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Double buffer common controls

Is there a way to double-buffer the common controls? Currently when they resize they flicker. A lot.....

EDIT: If it helps, it is a bunch of button controls and a few edit controls, all sitting on top of a tab control. The Tab control redraws itself, then the buttons redraw themselves. When the buttons redraw, they flicker.

EDIT2: Here's an example of the problem I'm having: http://billy-oneal.com/Lobfuscator.exe

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Billy ONeal Avatar asked Dec 03 '09 19:12

Billy ONeal

2 Answers

Look at using WS_EX_COMPOSITEDand WS_EX_TRANSPARENT styles. They provide doublebuffering, altough WM_PAINT will be called when the underlying bitmap is finished drawing, since it draws child controls from bottom to top, so you can paint only in your window procedure. I've used it in the past and work pretty well.

Set your top-level window (container) to extended style WS_EX_COMPOSITED and your child windows with WS_EX_TRANSPARENT. Also, remember to define:

#define WINVER 0x501 

See CreateWindowEx for information on the composited style. This also makes possible to do perpixel transparency on child windows.


What about usign WM_PRINTCLIENT to transfer the client area to a bitmap on a DC and blit all the client area as a whole?


like image 98
Hernán Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10


I understand the topic is quite old, but this may be relevant to someone who's running into trouble with a flicker problem.

Very much like Billy, I have run into an issue that pops up when switching tabs, where controls that are placed on the tab flicker when being shown and hidden. For reference, I'm using ShowWindow function extensively to hide and show controls.

I have been fiddling with WS_EX_COMPOSITED for a few hours and it gave me very odd results. I'm also not resizing anything, the dialog is designed to run fullscreen and it adapts to the current desktop resolution.

This is the layout of my dialog, which I have created manually, calling the CreateWindowEx function for every control:

Main window -- some controls -- tab control ---- some more controls

Indent represents the parent-child relations. The tab control has WS_CHILD and WS_CLIPCHILDREN styles set on creation, all of the controls have WS_CHILD style set.

What in the end did the trick was the following

MainProc proc hWnd:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD
    mov eax,uMsg
    cmp eax,WM_INITDIALOG

    invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam


    invoke GetWindowLong,hWnd,GWL_EXSTYLE
    invoke SetWindowLong,hWnd,GWL_EXSTYLE,eax

MainProc endp

This bit is written in assembly (MASM32), but I'm sure you get the gist of it. Simply, get the EX_STYLE of your main window sometime during WM_INITDIALOG and add WS_EX_COMPOSITED to it.

In this singular case, this method works both on 32bit Windows XP SP3 and 64bit Windows 7 SP1. There was no need to add the WS_EX_COMPOSITED style to any of the tab's child controls (some of the static controls I use have WS_EX_TRANSPARENT set, but that's for other reasons) and at this time there is no apparent need to return non-zero on WM_ERASEBKGND message. I'm also not experiencing any performance problems on a moderately powerful C2D machine.

For reference, this is my Main

Main proc hInst:DWORD,hPrevInst:DWORD,CmdLine:DWORD,CmdShow:DWORD

    mov wc.cbSize,sizeof WNDCLASSEX
    mov wc.style,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
    mov wc.lpfnWndProc,offset MainProc
    mov wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
    mov wc.cbWndExtra,DLGWINDOWEXTRA
    push hInst
    pop wc.hInstance
    mov wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_BTNFACE+1
    mov wc.lpszClassName,offset szClassName
    invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
    mov wc.hIcon,eax
    mov wc.hIconSm,eax
    invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
    mov wc.hCursor,eax
    invoke RegisterClassEx,addr wc
    invoke CreateDialogParam,hInstance,IDD_MAIN,NULL,addr MainProc,NULL
    invoke ShowWindow,hWin,SW_SHOWNORMAL
    invoke UpdateWindow,hWin
    invoke LoadAccelerators,hInstance,IDD_ACC_TABLE
    mov hAcc,eax
    jmp @2
    invoke TranslateAccelerator,hWin,hAcc,addr msg
    test eax,eax
    jne @2
    invoke TranslateMessage,addr msg
    invoke DispatchMessage,addr msg
    invoke GetMessage,addr msg,NULL,0,0
    test eax,eax
    jne @1

    mov eax,msg.wParam

Main endp

There's nothing special here, neither. I'm setting the "dialog control grey" as the background color and using the CS_*REDRAW styles, those appear not to affect this situation. The "empty" dialog template I used to create the main windows is this

FONT 8,"MS Sans Serif",0,0,0
STYLE 0x90800000
EXSTYLE 0x00000008

Hopefully this may save some time to people looking for answers. It's a tad long, but I wanted to detail it as much as possible.


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mkey Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
