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ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to have a transaction error in my code





I get the following error on cmd.ExecuteNonQuery.

"ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized."

Here is my code:

  //if (hdRefresh.Value.Length > done.Value.Length || done.Value == "1")
    //    //Write Your Add Customer Code here > Response.Write("true") 
    //    done.Value = hdRefresh.Value;
    //    Response.Redirect("~/Cashier/BTBill.aspx");
    //    return;

    if (IsClosedToDay())
        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(Page), "Warning", "<script>alert('Day Closing has been Performed ')</script>", false);

    DateTime dateFeomDB = getdate();
    // by atizaz
    if (HDD.Value == "" || HDD.Value == null)
        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(Page), "Warning", "<script>alert('No Transaction Found')</script>", false);
    SqlConnection scon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLCONN"].ToString());
    Common.BillTransaction bill1 = new Common.BillTransaction();
    ProcessUpdateBalandUnAuthBal insertBalance = new ProcessUpdateBalandUnAuthBal();
    Common.Currency currencyy = new Common.Currency();
    ProcessAuthorizeTokenByBillNo authorize = new ProcessAuthorizeTokenByBillNo();
    BillTransaction bill = new BillTransaction();
    SqlTransaction sqlTrans = scon.BeginTransaction();
        string strforxml = HDD.Value;
        XmlDocument docXml = new XmlDocument();

        #region Read In To Sender Controlls

        #region Common Information
        Contact con = new Contact();
        con.Title = ddlTitle.SelectedItem.Text;
        con.FirstName = TextBox1.Text.Trim();
        con.LastName = TextBox9.Text.Trim();
        con.ConTactNo = txtCell.Text == "" ? SqlString.Null : txtCell.Text;
        con.Country = ddlCountry.SelectedItem.Text;
        con.CustomerType = ddlCustomerType.SelectedItem.Text;
        con.CustTypeID = int.Parse(ddlCustomerType.SelectedValue);
        con.CountryID = Int32.Parse(ddlCountry.SelectedValue);
        con.sqlTransaction = sqlTrans;
        if (Scitytxt.Value != "")
                con.City = Scitytxt.Value;
                con.CityID = Int32.Parse(Scityval.Value);
            catch (Exception)
            { }
            con.City = SqlString.Null;// Scitytxt.Value;
            con.CityID = SqlInt32.Null;// Int32.Parse(Scityval.Value);
            con.Address = "";
        //con.City = ddlCity.SelectedItem.Text;
        //con.CityID = int.Parse(ddlCity.SelectedValue);
        con.Address = TextBox10.Text;

        #region Check For NIC and Passport

        if (txtNIC.Text != "" || txtPassport.Text != "")
            SqlDataReader rdrsender;

            if (txtNIC.Text != "")
                con.NIC = txtNIC.Text;
                con.NIC = SqlString.Null;
            if (txtPassport.Text != "")
                con.Passport = txtPassport.Text;
                con.Passport = SqlString.Null;
            ProcessSearchContactInContactInfo srchSender = new ProcessSearchContactInContactInfo();
            srchSender.Contact = con;
            rdrsender = srchSender.ResultSet;

            #region If record Doesnot Exist In response of NIC Passport
            if (!rdrsender.Read())
                //  con.sqlTransaction = sqlTrans;
                ProcessAddContact InsertnewSenderInfo = new ProcessAddContact();
                // InsertnewSenderInfo.sqlTransaction = sqlTrans;
                InsertnewSenderInfo.Contact = con;

                //  sender1 = InsertnewSenderInfo.ResultSet;
                //  Sender_ID.Value = sender1[13].ToString();
            #region If Record Exists
                con.CustomerID = Int32.Parse(rdrsender["Customer_ID"].ToString());

        #region If Customer Donot Have NIC And/OR Passport
        else// this executes when both Pasport and NIC are Null
            con.NIC = SqlString.Null;
            con.Passport = SqlString.Null;
            ProcessAddContact InsertnewSenderInfo = new ProcessAddContact();
            InsertnewSenderInfo.Contact = con;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            int a = con.CustomerID;
            StringReader inforeader = new StringReader("<CusTable><CusInfo><Relation_Type></Relation_Type><HusbandFather_Name></HusbandFather_Name><Address_Present></Address_Present><Address_Other></Address_Other><Phone_No_Office></Phone_No_Office><Cell_No></Cell_No><Fax_No></Fax_No><Date_Of_Birth></Date_Of_Birth><NTN_No></NTN_No><Nationality></Nationality><Occupation></Occupation><Relation_With_Financial_Institution></Relation_With_Financial_Institution><Other_Relation_With_Financial_Institution></Other_Relation_With_Financial_Institution><Business_Relation></Business_Relation></CusInfo></CusTable>");
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update Contact_Info set CustInfo=" + ds.GetXml() + " WHERE Customer_ID=" + a + "", scon);

            //  sender1 = InsertnewSenderInfo.ResultSet;
            //  Sender_ID.Value = sender1[13].ToString();

tell me what is problem in my code and how to solve it.

like image 505
Rania Umair Avatar asked May 18 '12 07:05

Rania Umair

People also ask

Why ExecuteNonQuery is not working?

You have to assign the connection for the command object. Your code is vulnerable to SQL injection. Also, you should use a using block with classes that implement the IDisposable interface, especially with the SqlConnection class in order to close the connection in case of an exception.

What does CMD ExecuteNonQuery do?

You can use the ExecuteNonQuery to perform catalog operations (for example, querying the structure of a database or creating database objects such as tables), or to change the data in a database without using a DataSet by executing UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements.

Does ExecuteNonQuery close connection?

You don't actually need to close it at all if it's wrapped in a using as the call to Dispose() will automatically close the connection for you.

What is ExecuteNonQuery ado net?

ExecuteNonQuery method is used to execute SQL Command or the storeprocedure performs, INSERT, UPDATE or Delete operations. It doesn't return any data from the database. Instead, it returns an integer specifying the number of rows inserted, updated or deleted.

2 Answers

You need to change this line

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update Contact_Info set CustInfo=" + ds.GetXml() + 
                                " WHERE Customer_ID=" + a + "", scon);

in this way

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("update Contact_Info set CustInfo=" + ds.GetXml() + 
                  " WHERE Customer_ID=" + a + "", scon, sqlTrans);

The error message states exactly the problem. Before code reaches that line you have opened a transaction and it is still open at the point of error

SqlTransaction sqlTrans = scon.BeginTransaction();

Now, every SqlCommand executed when the connection has an opened transaction need to be informed of this. The transaction is not automatically set by the Framework.

You can use the SqlCommand constructor, as explained above, or you can set the cmd.Transaction property before executing the command.

Warning 1

The need to set the transaction for the current command is true even if you create the SqlCommand directly from the connection itself.

   SqlCommand cmd = scon.CreateCommand();
   cmd.Transaction = sqlTrans; // Required when inside a transaction 

Warning 2

Avoid at all cost the use of string concatenation when using query text to update/insert/delete/select on a database. Use parameters. This will remove problems with strange or invalid characters and, most important, will prevent SqlInjection Attacks

string sqlText = "update Contact_Info set CustInfo=@info WHERE Customer_ID=@id";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, scon, sqlTrans);  
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@info", ds.GetXml());

Also, another recommendation is to NOT use AddWithValue, while handy, this method has many problems as explained in my answer here

like image 160
Steve Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10


You have started a transaction that is not commited before you called cmd.ExecuteNonQuery().

Just write down cmd.Transaction = sqlTrans; just before cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

it will ensure that Now ExecuteNonQuery() will be executed in same transaction and also will be able to see all the modification done to database in the same transaction.

like image 33
Romil Kumar Jain Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Romil Kumar Jain