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Are static methods thread safe





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Does static method are thread safe?

A data type or static method is threadsafe if it behaves correctly when used from multiple threads, regardless of how those threads are executed, and without demanding additional coordination from the calling code.

Are static fields thread safe in Java?

Unlike local variables, static fields and methods are NOT thread safe in Java.

Can we use static method in multithreading?

accessing the code is no problem, static methods can be called with multiple threads. It depends on how it is programmed in the method, if the code is not thread safe, it will cause problems.

Is static method thread safe C++?

Static functions are no more and no less safe than non-static ones. Being static and being thread-safe are completely orthogonal. So that said Singleton, one of the popular design pattern, is not recommended.

Static methods aren't inherently thread-safe. They're treated no differently by the CLR than instance methods. The difference is that one should generally try to make them thread-safe. (I can't think of any .NET BCL static methods which aren't thread-safe.) Instance methods are often not thread-safe because the typical pattern is to create an object and use it repeatedly from one thread, and if it does have to be used from multiple threads, the co-ordination involved includes making sure that the object is used safely. In very many cases that's more appropriate to do in the co-ordinating code than in the object itself. (Usually you want to make whole sequences of operations effectively atomic - something which can't be done within the object.)

Your Timer class is most definitely not thread-safe: two threads can stomp on each other's data with ease, and there's nothing to stop a thread from using "stale" data when calculating the duration.

Use the Stopwatch class instead - that's what it's there for. Admittedly if you want to use one instance from multiple threads you'll need to take the normal steps to ensure safety, but you'll be in a much better position in general. Admittedly Stopwatch is far from perfect too - see this question and the comment below for more details - but it is at least what the type is designed for. (Who knows, it may be fixed some time...)

There is a good discussion here that focuses more on the mechanisms and reasons for why your example is not thread-safe.

To summarize, first, your static variables will be shared. If you could make them local variables, even though they are local to a static method, they would still get their own stack frame, and thus, be thread-safe. Also, if you otherwise protect your static variables (ie, locks and/or other multi-threaded programming techniques mentioned by others in this thread) you could also make your sample static class thread-safe.

Second, because your example does not take in external variable instances which you modify or whose state might get acted upon by another thread, your example is thread-safe in that regard as well.

Your timer class is definitely not thread-safe. You should create a normal class and instantiate it every time you need to measure the time:

Timer timer = new Timer();


decimal duration = timer.Duration();

Better still, there is a built-in .NET class that does exactly that:

Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();


TimeSpan duration = sw.Elapsed;

Yes, you're right, the static members / accessors on this class will cause them to be overwritten by different users.

This is why you have instances and non-static members.