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MethodInvoker vs Action for Control.BeginInvoke

Which is more correct and why?

Control.BeginInvoke(new Action(DoSomething), null);  private void DoSomething() {     MessageBox.Show("What a great post"); } 


Control.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate {      MessageBox.Show("What a great post"); });  

I kinda feel like I am doing the same thing, so when is the right time to use MethodInvoker vs Action, or even writing a lambda expression?

EDIT: I know that there isn't really much of a difference between writing a lambda vs Action, but MethodInvoker seems to be made for a specific purpose. Is it doing anything different?

like image 970
Mike_G Avatar asked Jul 22 '09 19:07


People also ask

What is MethodInvoker?

MethodInvoker provides a simple delegate that is used to invoke a method with a void parameter list. This delegate can be used when making calls to a control's Invoke method, or when you need a simple delegate but do not want to define one yourself.

What is the difference between Invoke and BeginInvoke method in C#?

Invoke : Executes on the UI thread, but calling thread waits for completion before continuing. Control. BeginInvoke : Executes on the UI thread, and calling thread doesn't wait for completion.

What is BeginInvoke?

BeginInvoke(Action) Executes the specified delegate asynchronously on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on. BeginInvoke(Delegate) Executes the specified delegate asynchronously on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on.

2 Answers

Both are equally correct, but the documentation for Control.Invoke states that:

The delegate can be an instance of EventHandler, in which case the sender parameter will contain this control, and the event parameter will contain EventArgs.Empty. The delegate can also be an instance of MethodInvoker, or any other delegate that takes a void parameter list. A call to an EventHandler or MethodInvoker delegate will be faster than a call to another type of delegate.

So MethodInvoker would be a more efficient choice.

like image 123
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09

Jon Skeet

For each solution bellow I run a 131072 (128*1024) iterations (in one separated thread). The VS2010 performance assistant give this results:

  • read-only MethodInvoker: 5664.53 (+0%)
  • New MethodInvoker: 5828.31 (+2.89%)
  • function cast in MethodInvoker: 5857.07 (+3.40%)
  • read-only Action: 6467.33 (+14.17%)
  • New Action: 6829.07 (+20.56%)

Call to a new Action at each iteration

    private void SetVisibleByNewAction()     {         if (InvokeRequired)         {             Invoke(new Action(SetVisibleByNewAction));         }         else         {             Visible = true;         }     } 

Call to a read-only, build in constructor, Action at each iteration

    // private readonly Action _actionSetVisibleByAction     // _actionSetVisibleByAction= SetVisibleByAction;     private void SetVisibleByAction()     {         if (InvokeRequired)         {             Invoke(_actionSetVisibleByAction);         }         else         {             Visible = true;         }     } 

Call to a new MethodInvoker at each iteration.

    private void SetVisibleByNewMethodInvoker()     {         if (InvokeRequired)         {             Invoke(new MethodInvoker(SetVisibleByNewMethodInvoker));         }         else         {             Visible = true;         }     } 

Call to a read-only, build in constructor, MethodInvoker at each iteration

    // private readonly MethodInvoker _methodInvokerSetVisibleByMethodInvoker      // _methodInvokerSetVisibleByMethodInvoker = SetVisibleByMethodInvoker;     private void SetVisibleByMethodInvoker()     {         if (InvokeRequired)         {             Invoke(_methodInvokerSetVisibleByMethodInvoker);         }         else         {             Visible = true;         }     } 

Call to the function cast in MethodInvoker at each iteration

    private void SetVisibleByDelegate()     {         if (InvokeRequired)         {             Invoke((MethodInvoker) SetVisibleByDelegate);         }         else         {             Visible = true;         }     } 

Example of call for the "New Action" solution :

    private void ButtonNewActionOnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)     {         new Thread(TestNewAction).Start();     }      private void TestNewAction()     {         var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();         for (var i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)         {             SetVisibleByNewAction();         }         watch.Stop();         Append("New Action: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");     } 
like image 40
Orace Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
