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Execute store procedure like a "table" for SELECT operator (MS SQL SERVER)


Is it possible to execute store procedure like a "table" for SELECT operator (MS SQL SERVER)?

Something like

SELECT TotalSum FROM exec MyStoreProcedure '2011/11/01', '2011/11/01'   

I mean somehow integrate it into the SELECT operator?

Thank you!

Thanks guys!

The solution what I did is based on your answers:

declare @result table (f1 varchar(20),f2 varchar(20), CodProducto int, NomProducto varchar(1000), Costo decimal, Cantidat int, Total decimal) INSERT INTO @result exec  MyStoreProcedure '20111201', '20111201' select * from @result 
like image 912
Friend Avatar asked Mar 29 '12 12:03


People also ask

Can you execute a stored procedure in a SELECT statement?

We can not directly use stored procedures in a SELECT statement.

How do I write a stored procedure for SELECT query in SQL Server?

How to create a SELECT stored procedure? Click on your Database and expand “Programmability” item and right click on “Stored Procedures” or press CTRL + N to get new query window. In the query area between BEGIN and END, type your SELECT statement to select records from the table.

Can we call SP in SELECT query?

You should look at functions, you cannot call a stored procedure from within a select query.

Can I create a table from a SELECT statement?

You can create one table from another by adding a SELECT statement at the end of the CREATE TABLE statement: CREATE TABLE new_tbl [AS] SELECT * FROM orig_tbl; MySQL creates new columns for all elements in the SELECT .

2 Answers

I supposed your proc returns several columns and you just want one, right?

small workaround is to add the result of the proc to a table variable and then select from it

create proc proc1 as select 1 as one, 2 as two  declare @result table (one int, two int)  insert into @result exec proc1  select one from @result 
like image 197
Diego Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10


This would be better as a function rather than a stored procedure.

create function dbo.TestTable (@var1 bit) returns table AS RETURN ( select *     from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES     where @var1 = 1 );   select * from dbo.TestTable(1) 
like image 42
Vinnie Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10
