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sql statement error: "column .. does not exist"


Im trying from postgres console this command:

select sim.id as idsim,         num.id as idnum  from main_sim sim    left join main_number num on (FK_Numbers_id=num.id); 

and I've got this response:

 ERROR:  column "fk_numbers_id" does not exist LINE 1: ...m from main_sim sim left join main_number num on (FK_Numbers... 

but if I simply check my table with:

dbMobile=# \d main_sim   id              | integer               | not null default   Iccid           | character varying(19) | not null  ...   FK_Device_id    | integer               |    FK_Numbers_id   | integer               |   Indexes:     "main_sim_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)     "main_sim_FK_Numbers_id_key" UNIQUE, btree ("FK_Numbers_id")     "main_sim_Iccid_key" UNIQUE, btree ("Iccid")     "main_sim_FK_Device_id" btree ("FK_Device_id") Foreign-key constraints:     "FK_Device_id_refs_id_480a73d1" FOREIGN KEY ("FK_Device_id") REFERENCES main_device(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED     "FK_Numbers_id_refs_id_380cb036" FOREIGN KEY ("FK_Numbers_id") REFERENCES main_number(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED 

...as we can see the column exist.

probably it's syntax error, but I'm unable to see what...

any help will'be appreciated. Alessio

like image 419
Alessio Avatar asked Apr 04 '12 16:04


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Does not exist in PostgreSQL?

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1 Answers

No, the column FK_Numbers_id does not exist, only a column "FK_Numbers_id" exists

Apparently you created the table using double quotes and therefor all column names are now case-sensitive and you have to use double quotes all the time:

select sim.id as idsim,         num.id as idnum  from main_sim sim     left join main_number num on ("FK_Numbers_id" = num.id); 

To recap what is already documented in the manual:

The column foo and FOO are identical, the columns "foo" and "FOO" are not.

like image 128
a_horse_with_no_name Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
