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Execute 2 JavaScript functions in order

I have a function with two lines and I want them to be executed in order. The function is :

    $("#notificationMessageBody").html(message); // line1
    $("#notificationModal").modal('show');       //line2

So, whenever I call showNotification("Hello World!") how do I ensure line1 is executed before line2 (meaning content loading is done before the modal triggers) Basically, I am trying to fill in my message in modal body and then show it, not before filling.


The functions are indeed executing one after the other, but my modal pops before jQuery loads my message into my #notificationMessageBody

As a result, for example : If I call showNotification("Hello") I get a modal with "Hello" (the arrangement of modals and stuff is done), but then after that if I call showNotification("World") modal appears with "Hello" first then after that it changes to "World".

Note : "Hello" and "World" are big junk of text, so loading that into my DIV must be taking some time, I believe. Even though they are executed one after other, it appears (to common-er) that firstly modal is popping and then replacement is done. I hope the picture is a little clear now.

No AJAX involved anywhere here around the function. Basically, this is my custom alert() function one can say. A modal with proper ID is there in my page. I change the modal-body content(with jQuery's .html() function) and trigger the modal to show, as seen from the code.

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krozaine Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 18:10


1 Answers

You can use the .promise() method (added in jQuery 1.6) to ensure the second one is executed after first is completed:

$("#notificationMessageBody").html(message).promise().done(function() {
like image 129
Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Shadow Wizard Hates Omicron