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Refreshing page when countdown ends



I have a javascript countdown script, and I want my page to refresh for once when countdown ends.

Here is my full code.

//JavaScript code for countdown
function getTimeRemaining(endtime) {
  var t = Date.parse(endtime) - Date.now();
  var seconds = Math.floor((t / 1000) % 60);
  var minutes = Math.floor((t / 1000 / 60) % 60);
  var hours = Math.floor((t / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);
  var days = Math.floor(t / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
  return {
    'total': t,
    'days': days,
    'hours': hours,
    'minutes': minutes,
    'seconds': seconds

function initializeClock(id, endtime) {
  var clock = document.getElementById(id);
  var daysSpan = clock.querySelector('.days');
  var hoursSpan = clock.querySelector('.hours');
  var minutesSpan = clock.querySelector('.minutes');
  var secondsSpan = clock.querySelector('.seconds');

  function updateClock() {
    var t = getTimeRemaining(endtime); 

if (t.total < 0) {
  document.getElementById("clockdiv").className = "hidden-div";
  document.getElementById("timeIsNow").className = "visible-div";
  return true;

daysSpan.innerHTML = t.days;
hoursSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.hours).slice(-2);
minutesSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.minutes).slice(-2);
secondsSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.seconds).slice(-2);


  var timeinterval = setInterval(updateClock, 1000);

var deadline = '2015-12-31T13:00:00+02:00';

initializeClock('clockdiv', deadline);

This is the code I want to use for refresh:


If I add this refreshing code in this part of code below, refresh works.

if (t.total < 0) {
  document.getElementById("clockdiv").className = "hidden-div";
  document.getElementById("timeIsNow").className = "visible-div";
  location.reload(); //Added this one.
  return true;

However, this way refresh works every second after countdown ends. But I want it to refresh only once, when it hits to the 0.

What I tried?

I tried to create another if statement to refresh the page when t.total == 0, like that:

if (t.total == 0) {
  document.getElementById("clockdiv").className = "hidden-div";
  document.getElementById("timeIsNow").className = "visible-div";
  location.reload(); //Added this one.
  return true;

But somehow, it didn't work.

So I also tried with, if (t.total = 0) and if (t.total === 0) but still can't work it out.

Can anyone give me a hand to refresh the page when counter hit to the 0?

Here is a jsFiddle if you would like to play: https://jsfiddle.net/qv6rbyLo/1/

like image 209
LetsSeo Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 19:10


1 Answers

The problem is that when you refresh the page, you start the clock again. Then it finishes immediately, triggering another refresh.

You need to check for the possibility that the deadline has already passed, and then only refresh if the deadline hadn't already passed when you started the clock.

Here's an updated initializeClock (see comments):

function initializeClock(id, endtime, callback) {       // <== Add callback
    var clock = document.getElementById(id);
    var daysSpan = clock.querySelector('.days');
    var hoursSpan = clock.querySelector('.hours');
    var minutesSpan = clock.querySelector('.minutes');
    var secondsSpan = clock.querySelector('.seconds');
    var ranOnce = false;                                // <== Haven't run once yet

    var t = getTimeRemaining(endtime);

    function updateClock() {
        var t = getTimeRemaining(endtime);

        if (t.total < 0) {
            document.getElementById("clockdiv").className = "hidden-div";
            document.getElementById("timeIsNow").className = "visible-div";
            callback(ranOnce);                          // <== Tell callback whether we ran
            return true;

        ranOnce = true;                                 // <== Flag that we ran at all
        daysSpan.innerHTML = t.days;
        hoursSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.hours).slice(-2);
        minutesSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.minutes).slice(-2);
        secondsSpan.innerHTML = ('0' + t.seconds).slice(-2);


    var timeinterval = setInterval(updateClock, 1000);  // <=== Important that this is before the first call to updateClock

...which you'd use like this:

initializeClock('clockdiv', deadline, function(ranOnce) {
    if (ranOnce) {

Here's a live example with a deadline in the future: https://jsfiddle.net/mzabLrvy/

And where the deadline is in the past: https://jsfiddle.net/mzabLrvy/1/

like image 156
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 10:11

T.J. Crowder