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Exclude column from resultset in controller | Spring data jpa

I have a Users Entity:

public class SpringUsers implements Serializable {
    private String password;
    // other fields omitted
    @Column(name = "password")
    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;

And its repository:

public interface SpringUsersRepository extends CrudRepository<SpringUsers, Integer> {
    SpringUsers findByUsername(String username);
    List<SpringUsers> findByUserId(Integer userId);

And I have a controller method that should get a list of all registered users with the same userId (is internally used) as the currently authenticated user:

public List<SpringUsers> getRegisteredUsers() {
    CustomUserDetails authenticatedUserDetails = getCustomUserDetails();
    List<SpringUsers> registered = springUsersRepository.findByUserId(
    return registered.stream().map(v -> {
        return v;

I don't want to pass the password (even though it's encrypted) to the frontend - so I stream through the users and set the password to null, as you can see above.

However, I'm wondering if there isn't a possibility to just not include the users' password in the query result in the first place?

Version Info:

Spring boot 1.4.0 & Hibernate 5.0.9.Final

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baao Avatar asked Sep 02 '16 14:09


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To ignore a field, annotate it with @Transient so it will not be mapped by hibernate.

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When persisting Java objects into database records using an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, we often want to ignore certain fields. If the framework is compliant with the Java Persistence API (JPA), we can add the @Transient annotation to these fields.

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Video Answer

2 Answers

Use @JsonIgnore, this will make it available in the back but will not return when transforming to json

@Size(min = 8)
private String password;
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Vallemar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09


You can use @Query to selectively include some fields:

// Include all fields you wanna query for using u.x syntax
// AFAIK there is no exclusion syntatic sugar
@Query("select u.id, u.username from SpringUsers u where u.id = ?1")
List<SpringUsers> findByUserId(Integer userId);

Also you can use Projections. First define the projection by introducing a projection interface:

interface NoPasswordUser {
    Long getId();
    String getUsername();
    // Do not include getPassword();

Then use it in your repository:

public interface SpringUsersRepository extends CrudRepository<SpringUsers, Integer> {
    NoPasswordUser findByUsername(String username);
    List<NoPasswordUser> findByUserId(Integer userId);

Anyway, It's better to not expose your entities through a REST or any remote interface. You can use DTOs for that matter, this post may be useful in this area.

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Ali Dehghani Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Ali Dehghani