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Multiple negated profiles




My problem is that I have application, which uses Spring profiles. Building application on server means that the profile is set to "wo-data-init". For other build there is "test" profile. When any of them is activated they are not supposed to run the Bean method, so I though this annotation should work:


It seems more like it's running if(!test OR !wo-data-init) and in my case I need it to run if(!test AND !wo-data-init) - is it even possible?

like image 852
vul6 Avatar asked Nov 25 '14 14:11


2 Answers

In Spring 5.1.4 (Spring Boot 2.1.2) and above it is as easy as:

@Profile("!a & !b")
public class MyComponent {}

Ref: How to conditionally declare Bean when multiple profiles are not active?

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Jenson Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11


Spring 4 has brought some cool features for conditional bean creation. In your case, indeed plain @Profile annotation is not enough because it uses OR operator.

One of the solutions you can do is to create your custom annotation and custom condition for it. For example

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface NoProfilesEnabled {
    String[] value();
public class NoProfilesEnabledCondition implements Condition {

    public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
        boolean matches = true;

        if (context.getEnvironment() != null) {
            MultiValueMap<String, Object> attrs = metadata.getAllAnnotationAttributes(NoProfileEnabled.class.getName());
            if (attrs != null) {
                for (Object value : attrs.get("value")) {
                    String[] requiredProfiles = (String[]) value;

                    for (String profile : requiredProfiles) {
                        if (context.getEnvironment().acceptsProfiles(profile)) {
                            matches = false;

        return matches;

Above is quick and dirty modification of ProfileCondition.

Now you can annotate your beans in the way:

@NoProfilesEnabled({"foo", "bar"})
class ProjectRepositoryImpl implements ProjectRepository { ... }
like image 24
Maciej Walkowiak Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Maciej Walkowiak