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Exclude all transitive dependencies of a single dependency

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How do you avoid transitive dependencies in Gradle?

When you specify a dependency in your build script, you can provide an exclude rule at the same time telling Gradle not to pull in the specified transitive dependency. For example, say we have a Gradle project that depends on Google's Guava library, or more specifically com.

What does exclusion mean in POM xml?

Exclusions are set on a specific dependency in your POM, and are targeted at a specific groupId and artifactId. When you build your project, that artifact will not be added to your project's classpath by way of the dependency in which the exclusion was declared.

How does Maven resolve transitive dependencies?

Transitive Dependencies. Maven avoids the need to discover and specify the libraries that your own dependencies require by including transitive dependencies automatically. This feature is facilitated by reading the project files of your dependencies from the remote repositories specified.

What has worked for me (may be a newer feature of Maven) is merely doing wildcards in the exclusion element.

I have a multi-module project that contains an "app" module that is referenced in two WAR-packaged modules. One of those WAR-packaged modules really only needs the domain classes (and I haven't separated them out of the app module yet). I found this to work:


The wildcard on both groupId and artifactId exclude all dependencies that normally would propagate through to the module using this dependency.

For maven2 there isn't a way to do what you describe. For maven 3, there is. If you are using maven 3 please see another answer for this question

For maven 2 I'd recommend creating your own custom pom for the dependency that has your <exclusions>. For projects that need to use that dependency, set the dependency to your custom pom instead of the typical artifact. While that does not necessarily allow you exclude all transitive dependencies with a single <exclusion>, it does allow you only have to write your dependency once and all of your projects don't need to maintain unnecessary and long exclusion lists.

One thing I have found useful:

If you put the dependency with the exclusions in the dependencyManagement section of either the parent POM for your project, or in an importable dependency management POM, then you don't need to repeat the exclusion (or the version).

For example, if your parent POM has:


Then the modules in your project can simply declare the dependency as:


The in the parent POM will specify both the version and the exclusions. I use this technique for nearly all of our projects and it eliminates a lot of repetition.

Three years ago I recommended using Version 99 Does Not Exist, but now I've figured out a better way, especially since Version 99 is offline:

In your project's parent POM, use maven-enforcer-plugin to fail the build if the unwanted dependency creeps into the build. This can be done using the plugin's banned dependencies rule:


Then when that alerts you about an unwanted dependency, exclude it in the parent POM's <dependencyManagement> section:


This way the unwanted dependency won't show up accidentally (unlike just an <exclusion> which is easy to forget), it won't be available even during compile time (unlike provided scope), there are no bogus dependencies (unlike Version 99) and it'll work without a custom repository (unlike Version 99). This approach will even work based on the artifact's version, classifiers, scope or a whole groupId - see the documentation for details.

I use the following workaround : instead of trying to exclude the artifact in all appropriate dependencies, I draw the dependency as "provided" at top level. For example, to avoid shipping xml-apis "whatever version" :


Currently, there's no way to exclude more than one transitive dependency at a time, but there is a feature request for this on the Maven JIRA site:
