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Excel VBA Won't Keep Leading Zeroes




I can't seem to find a way to save leading zeros in my VBA code. The zeros are necessary since they correspond to unique IDs.

I've tried changing the number format to text and 0000.... in excel and the same approach in my actual code: ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j).NumberFormat = "00000"

Any other suggestions? (If I manually type these numbers into VBE it strips the leading zeros too). EDIT:

Sheets.Add.Name = "Temp"
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2).NumberFormat = "000"
cid = Cells(2, 2)
MsgBox cid
ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 1).NumberFormat = "00000"
sid = Cells(6, 1)
Url = _
"URL;" & _
"http......asp?" & _
"X1=" & cid & "&" & _
"X2=" & sid & "&"

This is inside a loop ultimately but I'm debugging as individual iterations.

like image 273
programming_user1221 Avatar asked Jul 10 '14 21:07


People also ask

How to keep leading zeros in Excel?

To keep leading zeros in Excel, formatting cells provides the simplest option to follow. You can customize the number or convert it into text format with a few clicks only. Here’s the list of 8 states with their Zip Codes.

How to delete same number of leading zeros from multiple cells?

Delete same number of leading zeros. 1. Select cells you want to delete the leading zeros, and click Kutools > Text > Remove by Position. See screenshot: 2. In the popping dialog, type the number of zeros you want to remove, check option, and you can preview the result in the Preview pane.

How do you add zeros to a number in Excel?

Click on either the Hard Coded or Cell Reference button to view the formula that either has the zeros entered directly in the formula or referenced to a cell. VBA CODE 1. Add leading zero to a number with the & sign VBA CODE 2. Add leading zero to a number using the NumberFormat function

Why does the formula add leading zeros to the number?

It will add leading zeros to ensure the number of of a certain length, which in this example is a length of size numbers. Given the number in cell B5 has five numbers this formula will add a single value of zero (0) to the front of the number.

1 Answers

All below deliberations were about writing to a cell, not reading from it. Changing the Numberformat doesn't work that way. See if you can figure out how this code works:

dim v as integer
v = val(Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(2, 2))
dim cid as string
cid = format(v, "000")

You should never use Select and ActiveSheet that way, it is not necessary; and never use Cells without the sheet it should be referring to.
(Val can be omitted if the cell is really already numeric and not text).

Earlier answer... :

This code works perfectly fine for me

Worksheets(1).Columns("A").NumberFormat = "@"
Worksheets(1).Cells(1, "A").Value = "00023"

And also does

Worksheets(1).Columns("A").NumberFormat = "000000"
Worksheets(1).Cells(1, "A").Value = "0023"

(Here the string is converted to a number and displayed with 6 digits)

If that fails - although I could not explain that - I'd still bet that the ' should really work:
(No numberformat required.)

Dim s As String
s = "0002"
Worksheets(1).Cells(1, "A").Value = "'" & s
like image 94
KekuSemau Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10
