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VBA Excel Break Points and Stop do not work




Any idea why inserting break points and stop no longer stops my vba code from running?

The code runs ok all the way to the end (I tested it) but ignores break points and Stop.

Also step into just makes the code run in it's entirety, ignoring break points and stops.

When I close the workbook where the issue seems to originate from the same issue occurs in other macro workbooks.

if I completely close excel and re-open it with a normally working macro workbook the issue doesn't occur until I re-open the problem work book.

I added breakpoints on:

TotP1 = 0

of the following code:

Option Explicit

Private Country As String
Private Measure As String
Private P1 As String
Private P2 As String
Private TotP1 As Double
Private TotP2 As Double

Sub VennDisplayIt()

Dim SI() As String
Dim SICount As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim OSh As Worksheet
Dim BrandListBox As Object
Dim VennGroup As Shape

TotP1 = 0
TotP2 = 0

Set OSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Venn")

Set BrandListBox = OSh.OLEObjects("BrandListBox").Object

ReDim SI(2, 0)

For x = 0 To BrandListBox.ListCount - 1

    If BrandListBox.Selected(x) = True Then
        'If UBound(SI) < 4 Then
            ReDim Preserve SI(2, UBound(SI, 2) + 1)

            SI(1, UBound(SI, 2)) = BrandListBox.List(x)
            SI(2, UBound(SI, 2)) = x + 1
        'End If

    End If

Next x

If UBound(SI, 2) < 2 Then
    BrandListBox.Selected(BrandListBox.ListIndex) = True
    Exit Sub
ElseIf UBound(SI, 2) > 4 Then
    BrandListBox.Selected(BrandListBox.ListIndex) = False
    Exit Sub
End If

For x = 1 To UBound(SI, 2)
    OSh.Range("o8").Offset(x, 0).Value = SI(1, x)
    OSh.Range("o8").Offset(x + 5, 0).Value = SI(1, x)
Next x

For x = UBound(SI, 2) + 1 To 4
    OSh.Range("o8").Offset(x, 0).Value = ""
    OSh.Range("o8").Offset(x + 5, 0).Value = ""
Next x

SICount = UBound(SI, 2)

For x = 1 To OSh.Shapes.Count
    If Right(OSh.Shapes(x).Name, 5) = "Group" Then
    If LCase(OSh.Shapes(x).Name) = SICount & "waygroup" Then
        Set VennGroup = OSh.Shapes(x)
        OSh.Shapes(x).Visible = True
        OSh.Shapes(x).Visible = False
    End If
    End If

Next x

For x = 1 To SICount

    VennGroup.GroupItems.Item(SICount & "WayBrand" & x).DrawingObject.Text = SI(1, x)

Next x

Country = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Venn").Range("D4").Value
Measure = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Venn").Range("E32").Value
P2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Venn").Range("E31").Value
P1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Selections").Range("B5").Value

End Sub
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Oliver Humphreys Avatar asked Aug 27 '15 16:08

Oliver Humphreys

People also ask

How do you breakpoint in Excel VBA?

The shortcut key for adding a breakpoint is F9. Create a breakpoint, position the cursor on the specific line of your code where you want VBA to pause, and press F9. Alternatively, locate the line of code where you want to add the breakpoint and click on the left grey margin beside the line.

How do you stop an execution in VBA?

In VBA, you can stop your macro execution manually with the Esc key or by pressing Ctrl+Break.

What unconditional pauses the execution of VBA code?

VBA Pause is used to pause the code from executing it for a specified amount of time and to pause a code in VBA we use application. wait method. When we build large VBA projects after performing something, we may need to wait for some time to do other tasks.

How do I force a macro to stop running?

If the Macro is simply in a continuous loop or is running for too long you can use one of these keyboard shortcuts to kill it: Esc hit the Escape key. Ctrl + Break hit Ctrl key and then the break key, which is also the pause key.

3 Answers

I've never heard of Stop not working, but I've heard about and experienced the breakpoint thing many times. When you compile VBA, it creates a p-code, which is used by the interpreter. You have the VBA syntax layer that you can see and the p-code layer that you can't see. When breakpoints stop working, it's because the p-code was corrupted. I don't know how or why it happened, but it did.

The fix is to export, remove, and reimport all of your modules. Exporting them creates a .bas file (plain text, really). When you re-import, the p-code is regenerated from scratch. If you have more than a couple of modules, get CodeCleaner (free add-in) and it will export and reimport automatically.

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Dick Kusleika Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Dick Kusleika

Just to 'second' Tibo's comment: I had a problem where I had a form with about 5 different subroutines. One of them (attached to a button event) would not stop when I set a breakpoint. in 10 years of VBA writing, I've never seen that happen. Interestingly, breakpoints worked on all of the other subroutines in that form. After much head-scratching and searching, I came upon this post and Tibo's comment. I added a "Stop" command to the affected subroutine, ran the procedure (it stopped as it should have) and then breakpoints began working again! Hope this helps someone in the future.

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JimT Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10


If one of the settings is unchecked then breakpoints will not work. "File/options/Current database/Application options/use access special keys" should be checked

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Matthias Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10
