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Use cell's color as condition in if statement (function)

I am trying to get a cell to perform a function based on the hilight color of a cell.

Here is the function I currently have:


Just so you don't have to read through all of that, here's a more simple example


All that his is returning is #NAME? . Is there any way that I can do this as a function in a cell or is VBA absolutely required?



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1337Atreyu Avatar asked Sep 13 '13 18:09


2 Answers

I had a similar problem where I needed to only show a value from another Excel cell if the font was black. I created this function: `Option Explicit

Function blackFont(r As Range) As Boolean If r.Font.Color = 0 Then blackFont = True Else blackFont = False End If

End Function `

In my cell I have this formula: =IF(blackFont(Y51),Y51," ")

This worked well for me to test for a black font and only show the value in the Y51 cell if it had a black font.

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Greg Barth Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Greg Barth

Although this does not directly address your question, you can actually sort your data by cell colour in Excel (which then makes it pretty easy to label all records with a particular colour in the same way and, hence, condition upon this label).

In Excel 2010, you can do this by going to Data -> Sort -> Sort On "Cell Colour".

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Nick M Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Nick M