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excel named range copy from sheet to sheet

I have an Excel question, I am wondering if there is an easy way to set up a clone or copy of a named range in one worksheet to another worksheet in the same workbook. I need this to be done automatically as the data comes in through a third party software tool. I am not an advanced excel user and was hoping there would be a simple way to do this without macros, vba code etc. Any thoughts? Thanks!

like image 817
rekordboy Avatar asked Apr 04 '13 23:04


1 Answers

You can set the scope of the source named range to just the sheet, then copy the sheet. The named ranges will be copied as well.

To change the scope, use the Name Manager in Data section of the ribbon, or push Ctrl + F3. Select the Range and click edit.

enter image description here

To copy the sheet, right click on the sheet name and select "Move or Copy"

enter image description here

like image 61
wilsjd Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
