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mysql for excel

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but I am facing an issue with MySQL installed failing to recognize office 2013 and install MySQL for Excel.

Basically MySQL https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/

Has an addin for excel that allows you to automatically connect to a database and make changes. During the MySQL installation it checks for requirements, one of which is Excel 2007 or greater. And that requirement is not met for me. I am running Office 2013 Pro Plus (64bit) and Installing MySQL (64bit)

Can someone help? Is there any other application that you recommend? I dont want to import and export data or files manually. I need an application that opens all the tables in separate sheets that I can manually change and automatically save to the DB.

Any advice appreciated.

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JsEveryDay Avatar asked Feb 07 '13 23:02


People also ask

Can you use MySQL with Excel?

Oracle's MySQL for Excel is an add-in for Windows-based Excel. It provides a wizard-like interface for browsing MySQL schemas, tables, views, and procedures, and performing data operations against them in Excel.

How do I create a MySQL query in Excel?

In Excel, open the Data tab and choose From Other Sources -> From Microsoft Query. Choose the MySQL DSN. Select the option to use Query Wizard to create/edit queries.

Which is better MySQL or Excel?

SQL has better data integrity than Excel. Each cell in SQL is limited to only one piece of information—such as day of the week or month. Extrapolating data this way might be a hassle, but it significantly reduces the chance of miscalculations and data errors.

What is the benefit of using MySQL over Microsoft Excel?

SQL is much faster than Excel. It can take minutes in SQL to do what it takes nearly an hour to do in Excel. Excel can technically handle one million rows, but that's before the pivot tables, multiple tabs, and functions you're probably using. SQL also separates analysis from data.

1 Answers

Looks like this is a known bug:

For now please try the following workaround:

  1. Launch the MySQL Installer (if already installed launch it from Start Menu > MySQL > MySQL Installer).
  2. Try to do a Full Installation (but you do not have to actually install them).
  3. Go to C:\Program Data\MySQL\MySQL Installer\Product Cache
  4. See if you have there the MySQL for Excel MSI and launch it manually.

I would look these other topics on Google.

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Kermit Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09
