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Excel - Extract substring(s) from string using FILTERXML


Lately I've been trying to get more familiar with the concept of changing a delimited string into an XML to parse with Excel's FILTERXML and retrieve those substrings that are of interest. Please note that this function came available from Excel 2013 and is not available on Excel for Mac nor Excel Online.

With a delimited string, I meant anything from a normal sentence using spaces as delimiters or any other combination of characters that could be used to define substrings within a string. For example let's imagine the following:



So, where a lot of people know how to get the nth element (e.g.: =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"|",REPT(" ",LEN(A1))),3*LEN(A1)+1,LEN(A1))) to retrieve 456). Or other combinationes with LEN(), MID(), FIND() and all those constructs, how do we use FILTERXML to use more specific criteria to extract substrings of concern and clean up the full string? For example, how to retrieve:

  • elements by position
  • numeric or non-numeric elements
  • elements that contain a substring on their own
  • elements that start or end with a substring
  • elements that are upper- or lowercase
  • elements holding numbers
  • unique values
  • ...
like image 288
JvdV Avatar asked May 16 '20 13:05


People also ask

How do I use Filterxml in Excel?

Cells C3:C5 contain the formula =FILTERXML(B3,"//rc/@timestamp"). Note: If you have a current version of Microsoft 365, then you can simply enter the formula in the top-left-cell of the output range, then press ENTER to confirm the formula as a dynamic array formula.

Is Filterxml the same as filter?

The FILTERXML function in Excel is used to extract data from an XML file. It is similar to the FILTER function, which is used to extract data from a list or table. The FILTERXML function takes two arguments: the XML file and the XPath expression.

What is XPath Excel?

XPath is a special query language for selecting the elements and attributes in an XML document. The FILTERXML function uses XPath to match and extract data from text in XML format.

1 Answers

Excel's FILTERXML uses XPATH 1.0 which unfortunately means it is not as diverse as we would maybe want it to be. Also, Excel seems to not allow returning reworked node values and exclusively allows you to select nodes in order of appearance. However there is a fair share of functions we can still utilize. More information about that can be found here.

The function takes two parameters: =FILTERXML(<A string in valid XML format>,<A string in valid XPATH format>)

Let's say cell A1 holds the string: ABC|123|DEF|456|XY-1A|ZY-2F|XY-3F|XY-4f|xyz|123. To create a valid XML string we use SUBSTITUTE to change the delimiter to valid end- and start-tag constructs. So to get a valid XML construct for the given example we could do:


For readability reasons I'll refer to the above construct with the word <XML> as a placeholder. Below you'll find different usefull XPATH functions in a valid construct to filter nodes:

1) All Elements:


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (all nodes)

2) Elements by position:




Returns: 456 (node on index 4)


Returns: ABC, 123 and DEF (nodes on index < 4)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[position()=2 or position()>5]") 

Returns: 123, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (nodes on index 2 or > 5)


Returns: 123 (node on last index)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[position() mod 2 = 1]") 

Returns: ABC, DEF, XY-1A, XY-3F and xyz (odd nodes)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[position() mod 2 = 0]") 

Returns: 123, 456, ZF-2F, XY-4f and 123 (even nodes)

3) (Non) numeric elements:




Returns: 123, 456, and 123 (numeric nodes)




Returns: ABC, DEF, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f and xyz (non-numeric nodes)

4) Elements that (not) contain:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(., 'Y')]") 

Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (containing 'Y', notice XPATH is case sensitive, exclusing xyz)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(contains(., 'Y'))]") 

Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, xyz and 123 (not containing 'Y', notice XPATH is case sensitive, including xyz)

5) Elements that (not) start or/and end with:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[starts-with(., 'XY')]") 

Returns: XY-1A, XY-3F and XY-4f (starting with 'XY')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(starts-with(., 'XY'))]") 

Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, ZY-2F, xyz and 123 (don't start with 'XY')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('F') +1) = 'F']") 

Returns: DEF, ZY-2F and XY-3F (end with 'F', notice XPATH 1.0 does not support ends-with)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('F') +1) = 'F')]") 

Returns: ABC, 123, 456, XY-1A, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (don't end with 'F')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[starts-with(., 'X') and substring(., string-length(.) - string-length('A') +1) = 'A']") 

Returns: XY-1A (start with 'X' and end with 'A')

6) Elements that are upper- or lowercase:


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and 123 (uppercase nodes)


Returns: 123, 456, xyz and 123 (lowercase nodes)

NOTE: Unfortunately XPATH 1.0 does not support upper-case() nor lower-case() so the above is a workaround. Add special characters if need be.

7) Elements that (not) contain any number:


Returns: 123, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f and 123 (contain any digit)


Returns: ABC, DEF and xyz (don't contain any digit)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[translate(.,'1234567890','')!=. and .*0!=0]") 

Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (holding digits but not a a number on it's own)

8) Unique elements or duplicates:


Returns: 123 (duplicate nodes)


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f and xyz (unique nodes)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[not(following::*=. or preceding::*=.)]") 

Returns: ABC, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (nodes that have no similar sibling)

9) Elements of certain length:


Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (5 characters long)


Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, xyz and 123 (shorter than 4 characters)

10) Elements based on preceding/following:


Returns: XY-1A (previous node equals '456')


Returns: ZY-2F, XY-4f, and xyz (previous node starts with 'XY')


Returns: ABC, and xyz (following node equals '123')


Returns: ABC, 456, and xyz (following node contains '1')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[preceding::*='ABC' and following::*='XY-3F']") 



Returns: 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A and ZY-2F (everything between 'ABC' and 'XY-3F')

11) Elements based on sub-strings:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring-after(., '-') = '3F']") 

Returns: XY-3F (nodes ending with '3F' after hyphen)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(substring-after(., '-') , 'F')]") 

Returns: ZY-2F and XY-3F (nodes containing 'F' after hyphen)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[substring-before(., '-') = 'ZY']") 

Returns: ZY-2F (nodes starting with 'ZY' before hyphen)

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(substring-before(., '-'), 'Y')]") 

Returns: XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F and XY-4f (nodes containing 'Y' before hyphen)

12) Elements based on concatenation:

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[concat(., '|', following::*[1])='ZY-2F|XY-3F']") 

Returns: ZY-2F (nodes when concatenated with '|' and following sibling equals 'ZY-2F|XY-3F')

=FILTERXML(<XML>,"//s[contains(concat(., preceding::*[2]), 'FA')]") 

Returns: DEF (nodes when concatenated with sibling two indices to the left contains 'FA')

13) Empty vs. Non-empty:




Returns: ABC, 123, DEF, 456, XY-1A, ZY-2F, XY-3F, XY-4f, xyz and 123 (all nodes that are not empty)




Returns: None (all nodes that are empty)

Now obviously the above is a demonstration of possibilities with XPATH 1.0 functions and you can get a whole range of combinations of the above and more! I tried to cover most commonly used string functions. If you are missing any please feel free to comment.

Whereas the question is quite broad on itself, I was hoping to give some general direction on how to use FILTERXML for the queries at hand. The formula returns an array of nodes to be used in any other way. A lot of the times I would use it in TEXTJOIN() or INDEX(). But I guess other options would be new DA-functions to spill results.

Be alert that while parsing a string through FILTERXML(), the ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) must not appear in their literal form. They will respectively need to be substituted with either &amp; or &lt;. Another option would be to use their numeric ISO/IEC 10646 character code being &#38; or &#60; respectively. After parsing, the function will return these characters back to you in their literal form. Needless to say that splitting a string by the semi-colon therefor just became tricky.

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JvdV Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
