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Estimate Autocorrelation using Python

I would like to perform Autocorrelation on the signal shown below. The time between two consecutive points is 2.5ms (or a repetition rate of 400Hz).

enter image description here

This is the equation for estimating autoacrrelation that I would like to use (Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocorrelation, section Estimation):

enter image description here

What is the simplest method of finding the estimated autocorrelation of my data in python? Is there something similar to numpy.correlate that I can use?

Or should I just calculate the mean and variance?


With help from unutbu, I have written:

from numpy import * import numpy as N import pylab as P  fn = 'data.txt' x = loadtxt(fn,unpack=True,usecols=[1]) time = loadtxt(fn,unpack=True,usecols=[0])   def estimated_autocorrelation(x):     n = len(x)     variance = x.var()     x = x-x.mean()     r = N.correlate(x, x, mode = 'full')[-n:]     #assert N.allclose(r, N.array([(x[:n-k]*x[-(n-k):]).sum() for k in range(n)]))     result = r/(variance*(N.arange(n, 0, -1)))     return result  P.plot(time,estimated_autocorrelation(x)) P.xlabel('time (s)') P.ylabel('autocorrelation') P.show() 
like image 214
8765674 Avatar asked Jan 12 '13 19:01


People also ask

How do you calculate autocorrelation?

The number of autocorrelations calculated is equal to the effective length of the time series divided by 2, where the effective length of a time series is the number of data points in the series without the pre-data gaps. The number of autocorrelations calculated ranges between a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 400.

What is autocorrelation in Python?

Autocorrelation measures a set of current values against a set of past values to see if they correlate. It is heavily used in time series analysis and forecasting. We can calculate the correlation for current time-series​ observations with observations of previous time steps called lags.

1 Answers

I don't think there is a NumPy function for this particular calculation. Here is how I would write it:

def estimated_autocorrelation(x):     """     http://stackoverflow.com/q/14297012/190597     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocorrelation#Estimation     """     n = len(x)     variance = x.var()     x = x-x.mean()     r = np.correlate(x, x, mode = 'full')[-n:]     assert np.allclose(r, np.array([(x[:n-k]*x[-(n-k):]).sum() for k in range(n)]))     result = r/(variance*(np.arange(n, 0, -1)))     return result 

The assert statement is there to both check the calculation and to document its intent.

When you are confident this function is behaving as expected, you can comment-out the assert statement, or run your script with python -O. (The -O flag tells Python to ignore assert statements.)

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unutbu Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09
