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Error while fetching Tweets with Tweepy

I have a Python script that fetch tweets. In the script i use the libary Tweepy . I use a valid authentication parameters. After running this script some tweets are stored in my MongoDB and some are refused by the if statement. But still i get the error

requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection broken: IncompleteRead(0 bytes read, 2457 more expected)'

My question is which part of the script can i improve, so i do not get the error above.

This is my script

    from tweepy import Stream
from tweepy import OAuthHandler
from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener
import time
import json
from pymongo import MongoClient

#Mongo Settings
client = MongoClient()
db = client.Sentiment
Tweets = db.Tweet

#Twitter Credentials
ckey ='myckey'
csecret ='mycsecret'
atoken = 'myatoken'
asecret = 'myasecret'

class listener(StreamListener):

    def on_data(self, data):

            tweet = json.loads(data)

            if tweet["lang"] == "nl":
                print tweet["id"]

            return True
        except BaseException, e:
            print 'failed on_date,', str(e)

    def on_error(self, status):
        print status

auth = OAuthHandler(ckey, csecret)
auth.set_access_token(atoken, asecret)
twitterStream = Stream(auth, listener())
twitterStream.filter( track=["geld lenen"
                            ,"Alpha Credit"
                            ,"ALPHA CREDIT"
                            ,"Advanced Finance"
                            ,"private lease"
                            ,"Nationale Nerderlanden"
                            ,"ABN AMBRO"
                            ,"DGA adviseur"
                            ,"Financieel Attent"
                            ,"De Nederlandse Kredietmaatschappij"
                            ,"De Financiele Makelaar Kredieten"
                            ,"CFSN Kredietendesk"
                            ,"De Graaf Assurantien en Financieel Adviseurs"
                            ,"VDZ Geldzaken"
                            ,"Financium Primae"
                            ], languages="nl" 

I hope you can help me...

like image 794
Erik hoeven Avatar asked Feb 25 '15 11:02

Erik hoeven

People also ask

How many tweets can Tweepy extract?

Tweepy provides the convenient Cursor interface to iterate through different types of objects. Twitter allows a maximum of 3200 tweets for extraction.

Does Tweepy work with Twitter API v2?

Tweepy provides the API interface for the Twitter API v1. 1. For the v2 API, Tweepy provides the Client interface. This is available from Tweepy v4.

How can I get more than 200 tweets on Tweepy?

To get more then 200, you need to use the cursor on user_timeline and then iterate over the pages. Save this answer.

1 Answers

This IncompleteRead error generally tends to occur when your consumption of incoming tweets starts to fall behind, which makes sense in your case given your long list of terms to track. The general approach most people seem to be taking (myself included) is simply to suppress this error and continue your collection (see the link above).

I can't completely remember if IncompleteRead will close your connection (I think it might, because my personal solution reconnects my stream), but you may consider something like the following (I'm just going to wing it, it probably needs reworking for your situation):

# from httplib import IncompleteRead # Python 2
from http.client import IncompleteRead # Python 3
while True:
        # Connect/reconnect the stream
        stream = Stream(auth, listener)
        # DON'T run this approach async or you'll just create a ton of streams!
    except IncompleteRead:
        # Oh well, reconnect and keep trucking
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # Or however you want to exit this loop

Again, I'm just winging it there, but the moral of the story is that the general approach taken here is to suppress the error and continue.

EDIT (10/11/2016): Just a useful tidbit for anyone dealing with very large volumes of tweets - one way to handle this case without losing connection time or tweets would be to drop your incoming tweets into a queuing solution (RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.) to be ingested/processed by an application reading from that queue.

This moves the bottleneck from the Twitter API to your queue, which should have no problem waiting for you to consume the data.

This is more of a "production" software solution, so if you don't care about losing tweets or reconnecting, the above solution is still perfectly valid.

like image 135
dbernard Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09
