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Error when uploading to iTunesConnect

I am using Application Loader to upload my .ipa files (created with Adobe AIR v18) to iTunesConnect.

It's been working fine for months, but today I received two new errors:

The u option must have a non-empty value.
The password must have a non-empty value.

Can anyone shed some light on the issue?

like image 477
low-belly Avatar asked Oct 21 '15 23:10


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To deploy an app to App Store Connect, you need a Distribution type certificate and an App Store type provisioning profile. Make sure the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS Step is in your Workflow. Set the Automatic code signing input to the Apple service connection you want to use for code signing.

2 Answers

I upgraded to Xcode 7.1 and that solved the problem!

Note: Xcode 7.1 comes with Application Loader 3.3.

like image 63
low-belly Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11


You have 2 solutions:

1) Update your Xcode to 7.1 (but since you are not coding natively, use the solution #2 below)


2) Download and use the Application Loader v3.1 (Download link: https://itunespartner.apple.com/en/apps/tools ) to submit your IPA

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rsc Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11
