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Error when trying to update Extensions in Visual Studio [closed]

I'm trying to update Extensions in Visual Studio 2010, and I am suddenly getting errors. I open the extension manager and let it load the list of updates. I select one, and click Update, but I get a dialog with an error. One of two errors occurs depending on which extension I am trying to update.

For example, trying to update Nuget gets me:

Value cannot be null
Parameter name: v1

Code Maid, on the other hand:

Invalid entry to install/download
Parameter name: entry

Ankh SVN gives me the same error as Code Maid. (Haven't used or updated Ankh SVN in quite some time, but I tried it to see if it worked)

I am not aware of any recent changes which I have done which could have caused this. The only thing which remotely comes to mind was installing VS11 Beta, but I'm fairly sure I've updated VS2010 extensions since then successfully.

Hopefully, I can avoid the Dreaded Reinstall

I appear not to be the only one with this problem: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/27077b70-9dad-4c64-adcf-c7cf6bc9970c/view/Discussions

Incidentally, I was able to update the extensions in question by downloading and executing the installers manually. But I would still like to know what's going on here, of course!

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Andrew Barber Avatar asked Apr 09 '12 18:04

Andrew Barber

2 Answers

Not really a full answer but I think I can help in regards to nuget issue:

  1. In Control Panel -> Programs find and uninstall Nuget. (Make sure VS isn't running)
  2. Go to http://nuget.org/ and click 'Install Nuget'
  3. On the next page click Download.
  4. Open the downloaded file (it should be associated with VS).
  5. Follow the wizard.

This should install the latest version of nuget which means there will bo no update available. I'm not sure what will happen when next update is out.

I realise it's only a workaround.

Edit: Sorry, just noticed that you did exactly that.

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LukeP Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


Here is the hotfix for that issue.


Worked like a charm for me.

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B Donald Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

B Donald