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Error updating app on Google play store after introducing new google policy

I am trying to upload a new version of my app on play store and getting following error while uploading:-

You can't edit this app until you create a new app release declaring sensitive permissions

I have tried removing CALL_PHONE permission that Google restricts in latest policy and my app does not contain any unadaptable data. But still getting same error.

If anyone faced the same issue. Please help me to resolve.

Thanks in Advance!!

like image 694
priyanka kataria Avatar asked Jan 25 '19 13:01

priyanka kataria

People also ask

Why is Google Play not updating my apps?

Step 1: Open the Google Play Store on your Android and tap on the profile menu at the top. Step 2: Go to Settings and open the Network preferences tab. Step 3: Select Auto-update apps. Step 4: Tap on Over Wi-Fi only or Over any network (if you are comfortable auto-updating apps on a mobile network).

Why does Google Play store keep saying error?

Google Play Store Errors typically contain random numbers and are generated when you try to download apps from the Google Play Store. These errors might be due to Google Play Store updates, Google cache issues, Google Play Store stored data issues, or Google account issues.

2 Answers

If you are unable to submit a new version in any of the tracks, promote an older version from an Internal Track to Alpha or from Alpha to Beta or from Beta to Production. While doing this a Permission Declarations Form will show up querying Call Log and SMS permissions used in your app. Once you have submitted this form and promoted an older version, you will be able to submit new versions of the app in all the tracks.

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Darpa Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10


We fixed it first uploading the bundle in the Beta track and then promoting it to Production. Directly uploading it to Production produced the same error.

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IvanF. Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 18:10
