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Method to refresh Fragment content when data changed ( like recall onCreateView)

I have an Activity with a fragment container in layout. 3 different Fragment can be displayed in it. These fragments contains a Listview which displays data with custom Adapter i made.

So each list elements is created during onCreateView, after i queried a database to have data.

But sometimes some data may changes in my database, so i would like to redraw/recreate it the Listview.

  • What would be the best way (i mean, the less ressources demanding) to refresh my fragment view ?
  • Is there a method to recall onCreateView manually ?
like image 644
Heretyk Avatar asked Sep 02 '15 17:09


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Go to your navigation graph and find the fragment you want to refresh. Create an action from that fragment to itself. Now you can call that action inside that fragment like so.

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Back button should be handled from Activity. You can override onBackPressed in Activity and call a function on corresponding fragment to reloadItems().

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The onResume() get called always before the fragment is displayed. Even when the fragment is created for the first time . So you can simply move your from onViewCreated() to onResume . Save this answer.

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addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager. OnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { } @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { // do this instead, assuming your adapter reference // is named mAdapter: Fragment frag = mAdapter.

1 Answers

Combined two answers and removed if (isVisibleToUser), because it makes the setUserVisibleHint be called in an unpredicted asynchroneous order and fragment can either be refreshed or not. I found this piece of code stable (in your Fragment):

public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) {


  // Refresh tab data:

  if (getFragmentManager() != null) {

like image 141
Zon Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
