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Error installing VS 2010 SP1

when I am installing visual studio 2010 SP1 I get an error.read POSTS. But still can't figure out why. I tried with the ISO Image also. Always get the error.

I Have installed VS 2010 Ultimate edition.

I tried to install the SP1 found in this LINK

The error is as follows,

The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.
Click OK to try again, or enter alternative path to a folder containing the installation package. 'DotfuscatorCE_5.0.2500.msi' in the list` box below`

Following is a screenshot of the error

enter image description here

If anyone can suggest a solution really appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I did fixed the above error as Talon06 described in this post. But again get the following error when I proceed through.

enter image description here

Has anyone experienced this error before ? Does any one have idea of How I can proceed through. Thanks

like image 746
JibW Avatar asked Nov 09 '11 15:11


1 Answers

Found this answer at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/vssetup/thread/57de87cb-607f-4c49-baa3-128eb0fbebfd

This link will allow you to download the Dotfuscator file you need. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=208995&clcid=0x409

Post From Social.msdn.mcrosoft.com

You can download the package directly from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=208995&clcid=0x409 and pass that if prompted. If you're not being prompted for source, you'll need to create a local layout of SP1 by downloading the SP1 setup application, then from a command prompt type:

VS10sp1-KB983509.exe /createlayout "%TEMP%\VS2010SP1"

When that completes, you can run setup.exe from that directory.

like image 180
Talon06 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
