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Error: Cannot change attributes of configuration ':android:kapt' after it has been resolved when update Android Studio to 3.2

Today I updated Android Studio to 3.2 and got this error:

Cannot change attributes of configuration ':android:kapt' after it has been resolved

I've tried searching a few similar errors to "cannot change attritubtes of configuration...after it has been resovled" out there but none of them worked for me.

I have configureOnDemand set to false in gradle.properties and both of my repositories blocks look like this:

maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" }

Update: I narrowed it down to the cause of updating build gradle to 3.2. So I will have to use 3.1 for now.

like image 637
Jay N Avatar asked Sep 25 '18 19:09

Jay N

1 Answers

As I see you've problem in your LibGDX project (From your attached build.gradle file)

Cannot change attributes of configuration ':android:kapt' after it has been resolved.

is an issue that has been resolved by detaching native task by this commit.

Solution :

  1. If you're going to create new project use latest build of LibGDX 1.9.8
  2. Else make required changes in android build.gradle file (For reference you can use this)
like image 60
Abhishek Aryan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Abhishek Aryan