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Android Studio tools to show CPU registers and instructions

In Eclipse with CDT we have Window->Show View->Registers and Window->Show View->Disassembly windows allowing to watch CPU instructions flow and CPU registers values. I used to use those to debug CPU and NEON code. I am able to debug native code in Eclipse, but I can't see such functionality in Android Studio (1.5.1)

Is there any plug-in or functionality available to debug CPU instruction level code under Android Studio?

like image 217
Dmitri Avatar asked Apr 01 '16 20:04


1 Answers

When your breakpoint is hit, simply click on the LLDB window, and enter disassemble to see the CPU instructions: Android Studio disassembly

To see the registers, enter register read:

enter image description here

like image 190
Ron Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 18:10
