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Erlang string to atom and formatting a string



Using just list_to_atom() gives:


why the difference?

I am trying to format a string with numbers, strings and atoms as follows:

lists:flatten(io_lib:format("PUTVALUE ~p ~p", [list_to_atom("hello"), 40])).
"PUTVALUE hello 40"
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("PUTVALUE ~p ~p", [list_to_atom("Hello"), 40])).
"PUTVALUE 'Hello' 40"

what is the best way of doing this in Erlang?

Edit: To make the question clear, there are more values than the example above and in some cases the value can be a string or an atom, like

lists:flatten(io_lib:format("PUTVALUE ~p ~p ~p", [list_to_atom("hello"), X, 40])).

where the first parameter is always a string but X can either be an atom or a string. The third parameter is always a number.

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mbsheikh Avatar asked Feb 17 '12 03:02


3 Answers

In Erlang, an atom starts with a lowercase letter. For an atom to starts with an uppercase letter, it must be enclosed with single quotes.


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Kemal Fadillah Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 21:11

Kemal Fadillah

If you want to get a flat list for strings and integers, using ~s and ~B may be straitforward:

lists:flatten(io_lib:format("PUTVALUE ~s ~B", ["Hello", 40])).  
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shino Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 22:11


You can use lists:concat for formatting such string

 lists:concat(["PUTVALUE ",hello," ",40]).
like image 6
Odobenus Rosmarus Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 21:11

Odobenus Rosmarus