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EUnit output debug info from tested modules





Let us say I have a module called example.erl

In this module I use the following construct for debugging:

%%% Switch debugging output on/off:
%-define(DBG(Str, Args), ok).
-define(DBG(Str, Args), io:format(Str, Args)).

It helps me to output various debugging info into the Erlang shell:

?DBG("Function fun1 starting... ~n", [])

But if I call example.erl from example_tests with example:test(), this output info does not appear.

How can I make it visible during a EUnit test?

UPD: I have found some related info, but I still do not know how to solve the issue.

like image 614
skanatek Avatar asked Feb 10 '12 19:02


2 Answers

Ran into a similar problem. Found another way thanks to @rvirding. The solution is to write to the user output stream (as in io:format(user, "~w", [Term])).

This is documented in the section titled "EUnit captures standard output" of the eunit docs.

My "trace.hrl" file is shown below:

%% If compiled with {d, TEST, true}
%% This happens automatically during `rebar3 eunit`
-define(TRACE(Template, Args), io:format(user, "TRACE ~p:~p ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, lists:flatten(Args)])).
-define(TRACE(_T, _A), void).

A sample source file:

-export([ api/1 ]).


api(Arg) ->
    ?TRACE("Called with Arg ~p~n", [Arg]),

I prefer this method to ?debugFmt, as the latter injects EUnit specific code into your source (rather than test) code.

like image 53
Manoj Govindan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Manoj Govindan

As describe in the page you mention, you can use debugMsg or debugFmt.

?debugMsg("Function fun1 starting...")


?debugFmt("Function fun1 starting...", [])

Make sure you have include eunit's header file in your module file.


If you want to disable debug macros for example in staging, define NODEBUG in compiling modules.

like image 45
shino Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
