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Erlang: How to limit the memory assigned to a process

What I'm asking is if it's possible to limit memory (heap or stack) assigned to a specific process, so that this process can't exceed it. Maybe something like "process_flag(min_heap_size, MinHeapSize)", but for the maximum heap.

like image 466
Alex Avatar asked Dec 04 '12 09:12


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2 Answers

You could put together some kind of process tracking gen_server that periodically checks assigned processes for memory footprint and kills them if it exceeds a certain amount.

Using a combination of process_info(Pid, memory). and exit(Pid, Reason) calls, this should be quite manageable.

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chops Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11


You could use spawn_opt with max_heap_size

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Maris Orbidans Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Maris Orbidans