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Erlang error handling philosophy - case vs throw

I'm writing a REST service in Erlang and need to verify the received data before passing it to other internal functions for further processing; in order to do that, I'm currently using nested case expressions like this:

case all_args_defined(Args) of
    true ->
        ActionSuccess = action(Args),

        case ActionSuccess of
            {ok, _} -> ...;
            {fail, reason} -> {fail, reason}
    _ ->
        {fail, "args not defined"}

I realize this is kind of ugly, but this way I can provide detailed error messages. Additionally, I don't think the usual make it crash philosophy is applicable here - I don't want my REST service to crash and be restarted every time somebody throws invalid arguments at it.

However, I'm considering abandoning all those cases in favor of an umbrella try/catch block catching any badmatch errors - would this work?

fun() ->
    true = all_args_defined(Args),
    {ok, _} = action(Args).

%% somewhere else
catch fun().
like image 894
Philip Kamenarsky Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 13:07

Philip Kamenarsky

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The main difference between Error and Exception in C# is that an Error occurs due to unavailability of a system resource while an Exception occurs due to an issue in the program.

What is centralized error handling?

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What is the Let it crash philosophy?

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1 Answers

Since what you want to achieve is error reporting, you should structure the thing around the execution of actions and reporting of the result. Perhaps something like this:

  execute(Action, Args) ->
      Result = action(Action, Args),
      throw:{fail, Reason} ->
      ExceptionClass:Term ->
        %% catch-all for all other unexpected exceptions
        Trace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
        report_error({crash, ExceptionClass, Term, Trace})

  %% all of these throw {fail, Reason} if they detect something fishy
  %% and otherwise they return some value as result (or just crash)
  action(foo, [X1, X2]) -> ...;
  action(foo, Args) -> throw({fail, {bad_arity, foo, 2, Args}});
  action(...) -> ...

  %% this handles the formatting of all possible errors 
  report_error({bad_arity, Action, Arity, Args}) ->
    send_error(io_lib:format("wrong number of arguments for ~w: "
                             "expected ~w, but got ~w",
                             [Action, Arity, length(Args)]));
  report_error(...) -> ...;
  report_error({crash, Class, Term, Trace}) ->
    send_error(io_lib:format("internal error: "
                             [Class, Term, Trace])).
like image 79
RichardC Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
