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Equivalent to designer guidelines in code

The VCL form designer offers pink guidelines for aligning controls at their respective text base lines: Guidelines in form designer
But as far as I can tell this doesn't work for labels and checkboxes. Update: It works for labels if you place the controls exactly, e.g. by Ctrl-arrow. It kind of works for checkboxes - see screenshot.

Now, on some forms I'm creating controls in code, e.g.

ed := TEdit.Create(Self);
ed.Parent := SomePanel;

etc. How can I ensure that their text base lines are aligned? I'd like to have this for edits, comboboxes, labels and checkboxes. The result should look like this (without the red line, of course :-)): base line aligned

Edit: My current approach is to call something like AlignTop(8, [Edit1, ComboBox1], [CheckBox1, Label1]); with

procedure ControlArray_SetTop(const AControls: array of TControl; ATop: Integer);
  i: Integer;
  for i := Low(AControls) to High(AControls) do
    AControls[i].Top := ATop;

procedure AlignTop(ATop: Integer; const AControls: array of TControl; const ALabelLikeControls: array of TControl);
  ControlArray_SetTop(AControls, ATop);
  ControlArray_SetTop(ALabelLikeControls, ATop + 3);

My goal is to replace it with something more robust and less hacky.

like image 384
Uli Gerhardt Avatar asked Aug 03 '11 08:08

Uli Gerhardt

2 Answers

The guidelines are implemented in designtime code which license prohibits you to ship with your app so you can only use it to learn from it and then reimplement it yourself. Look up


classes (in "{RADStudio\version}\source\ToolsAPI directory"). Perhaps it comes down to something simple as

Label1.Top := (Edit1.Top + Edit1.Height) - Label1.Height + GetMagicConstant;  

where GetMagicConstant is similar to TControlGuidelines.GetTextBaseline().

like image 161
ain Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09


I don't think this logic is exposed in any way for you to call at runtime. I believe it is design time only.

To handle this I would create a dummy form in the designer which had one of each control you worked with. Align them all the way you have in your screenshots. At runtime instantiate this form, but don't show it and read out the Top property for each type of control. Finally you can work out the vertical offset of the Top property from each type of control to each other type of control.

like image 40
David Heffernan Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 01:09

David Heffernan