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equivalent of ftp put and append in scp

I have a legacy script which I am not able to understand.

The script is to transfer 4 files (2 ebcdic format files and 2 pdf files) in unix to mainframes through ftp.

ebcdic format file 1 is abc.xyz
ebcdic format file 2 is pqr.xyz
pdf file 1 is abc.pdf
pdf file 2 is pqr.pdf
mainframe file name is AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG

The syntax of the command in the script is as below:

quote site recfm=fb
put /myfiles/abc.xyz AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
append /myfiles/abc.pdf AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
append /myfiles/pqr.xyz AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
append /myfiles/pqr.pdf AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG

I want to achieve the same thing through SCP.

Could someone please tell what is the equivalent of put and append command of ftp in scp ??

like image 986
Vicky Avatar asked Apr 02 '12 05:04


1 Answers

Put is just the normal scp

scp /path/to/source user@host:/path/to/target

Append only works with a little hack (and not with scp directly)

cat source | ssh user@host "cat >> /path/to/target"
like image 105
moodywoody Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
