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Check for symbolic link

I have a symbolic link a.c in my home directory to another file in the same directory.

a.c -> b.c

I know how to check a.c is a symbolic link using the shell script

if [ -L /home/nit/a.c ] ; then
    echo "a.c is a symbolic link"

But my question is how to write a shell script to check whether a.c is a symbolic link specifically to b.c ?


like image 311
nitin_cherian Avatar asked Dec 30 '10 08:12


2 Answers

Use readlink;

[~]> ln -s foo bar
[~]> readlink bar 
like image 193
ismail Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


You could also do ls -F filename.txt which returns filename.txt@ if it is a symbolic link.

like image 23
mohit6up Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
