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enum description value to dropdownlist




I am new to C# and I have a question,

I have a a enum something like

   public enum
    [Description("6,7,8 ")]

Now I want the enum descriptions to bind to a dropdownlist.. can some one help me..

thanks in advance!

PS: I am sorry if I am not clear..Let me know if I need to be more specific

like image 692
helpme Avatar asked May 08 '12 19:05


2 Answers

This is how you would write it:

public enum Test
  a = 123,
  b = 345,
  c = 678

//Get attributes from the enum
    var items = 
        .Select (x => typeof(Test).GetMember(x)[0].GetCustomAttributes(
           typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false))
        .SelectMany(x => 
           x.Select (y => new ListItem(((DescriptionAttribute)y).Description)))

//Add items to ddl
    foreach(var item in items)
like image 77
Magnus Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10


public static class EnumExtensionMethods
    public static string GetDescription(this Enum enumValue)
        object[] attr = enumValue.GetType().GetField(enumValue.ToString())
            .GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false);

        return attr.Length > 0 
           ? ((DescriptionAttribute) attr[0]).Description 
           : enumValue.ToString();            

    public static T ParseEnum<T>(this string stringVal)
        return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof (T), stringVal);

//Usage with an ASP.NET DropDownList
foreach(MyEnum value in Enum.GetValues<MyEnum>())
   myDDL.Items.Add(New ListItem(value.GetDescription(), value.ToString())
var selectedEnumValue = myDDL.SelectedItem.Value.ParseEnum<MyEnum>()

//Usage with a WinForms ComboBox
foreach(MyEnum value in Enum.GetValues<MyEnum>())
   myComboBox.Items.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, MyEnum>(value.GetDescription(), value));

myComboBox.DisplayMember = "Key";
myComboBox.ValueMember = "Value";
var selectedEnumValue = myComboBox.SelectedItem.Value;

These two extension methods have been invaluable to me for going on 5 years and two different jobs, for exactly your stated need.

like image 39
KeithS Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10
