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How to get MVC to lookup view in nested folder

My knowledge of MVC and Razor is quite basic so I'm hoping its something rather simple. Basically, I have my Controllers as normal but my Views folder has a nested structure. For example, instead of:

Views -> Index.cshtml

It is like

Views -> BrandName -> Index.cshtml

I created a custom helper to work around this, but I'm not sure how it would work with query string urls? As an example here is a controller:

    private DataService ds = new DataService();

    // GET: /Collections/

    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    // GET: /Collections/Collection?id=1
    public ActionResult Collection(int id)
        var collectionModel = ds.GetCollection(id);
        return View(collectionModel);

But how do I get ActionResult Collection to look at:

Views -> Brand2 -> Collection.cshtml

Here is the workaround method I was using:

public static string ResolvePath(string pageName)
        string path = String.Empty;
        //AppSetting Key=Brand
        string brand = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Brand"];

        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brand))
            path = "~/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml"; //Key [Brand] was not specified
            path = String.Format("~/Views/{0}/{1}", brand, pageName);

        return path;
like image 917
ediblecode Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 11:03


1 Answers

Use the following

public ActionResult Collection(int id)
    var collectionModel = ds.GetCollection(id);
    return View("/Brand2/Collection", collectionModel);

The above code will search for the following views.


or to be more direct

public ActionResult Collection(int id)
        var collectionModel = ds.GetCollection(id);
        return View("~/Brand2/Collection.cshtml", collectionModel);

Now, I want to be the first to warn you that you should never, never, never use this answer. There is a good reason for following the conventions inherent in an MVC application. Placing your files in known locations makes it easier for everyone to understand your application.

like image 70
heads5150 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
