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emulator-headless not found

Hi I had a build script on travis that would install the android-sdk and launch an emulator in headless mode, it worked fine until a day ago when suddenly I get an error

bash: /home/travis/android-sdk/emulator/emulator-headless: No such file or directory

here is the build script, any ideas as to why emulator-headless disappeared?


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MandelDuck Avatar asked Dec 05 '19 10:12


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What happened to emulator-headless?

As of 29.2.11, you need to use the -no-window option instead of the emulator-headless binary: The binary emulator-headless is now retired. Headless builds of the engine are now launched via emulator -no-window, thus unifying the previously separate (but similar) paths.

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1 Answers

Since Emulator v29.2.11, emulator-headless is no longer present as a separate binary, but it has been merged to emulator -no-window.


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novembre Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
