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Ember: how do you access the model from the router?

Based on what I've read (please correct me if I'm mistaken), the logic that handles when a model should be saved and where to transition next should be in the router.

If that is the case, I'm running into a bit of a problem: I don't know how to access the model from the route.

This is my controller (and the console logs "CREATED" after I press submit):

App.ScoutsNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend   submit: ->     model = @get('model')     model.on 'didCreate', ->       console.log 'CREATED' # I want to  redirect to the index after creation     model.save() 

I should move that logic into the route, right? Let's try that:

App.ScoutsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend   model: ->     App.Scout.createRecord()    events:     submit: ->       # Based on what I've read, the right place to put the code you see in the controller is here. How do I get access to the model?       # I have tried @get('model'), @get('content') 

Note: I understand that the submit event bubbles up from the view, to the controller, then finally the route, stopping at any one of them that has "submit" defined. So since I want the route to handle it, I removed the controller. I'm able to see any console.log done in the route, I just need to be able to get to the model instance.

I'm using Ember v1.0.0-rc.5-7-g610589a


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Ramon Tayag Avatar asked Jun 15 '13 12:06

Ramon Tayag

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1 Answers

Two options: this.currentModel or this.modelFor(routeName)


I spoke to Señor Alex Matchneer about this. There are no plans for this.currentModel to go away anytime soon, but he considers this.modelFor(this.routeName) the public API.

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Luke Melia Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

Luke Melia