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{{content-for 'head'}} Ember-cli

I've been using Yeoman ember generator for the past 1 month and now, I'd like to give ember-cli a try.

I run the generator and launch the app, everything works fine.

ember new my-new-app ember server 

but I'd like to know how does

{{content-for 'head'}} 

in app/index.html works?

When looking at other examples from http://www.ember-cli.com/#tutorials, none of them are using this particular helper? Is it because they are using older version of ember-cli? Why weren't they using this content-for helper?

I'm pretty sure that ember.js doesn't have this content-for helper in default, so I'm guessing ember-cli wrote it somewhere? Where is it and what is it for?

Also, when I inspect the element of my-new-app page, the div tag of 'Welcome to Ember.js' appeared at the body tag instead of head tag? How is that possible? {{mind-blown}}

( in app/index.html, {{content-for 'head'}} is placed inside head tag)

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Sukhito Avatar asked Oct 06 '14 05:10


People also ask

Which command is used to install ember CLI?

Installing Ember is done using NPM. While you're at it we recommend you to also install phantomjs (if you don't have it already). Ember CLI uses phantomjs to run tests from the command line (without the need for a browser to be open).

What is an ember CLI build?

Ember CLI, Ember's command line interface, provides a standard project structure, a set of development tools, and an addon system. This allows Ember developers to focus on building apps rather than building the support structures that make them run.

What is addon in Ember?

We call such packages "addons." Ember developers are also free to use regular npm packages in their apps. Addons can include JavaScript code, reusable UI components, compiling tools, data visualization tools, deployment pipelines, templates, stylesheets, and more. Think of addons as node libraries with superpowers.

2 Answers

It was recently added to ember-cli based on this discussion.

Here is the relevant code from the commit:

EmberApp.prototype.contentFor = function(config, match, type) {   var content = [];    if (type === 'head') {     content.push(calculateBaseTag(config));      content.push('<meta name="' + config.modulePrefix + '/config/environment" ' +                  'content="' + escape(JSON.stringify(config)) + '">');   }    content = this.project.addons.reduce(function(content, addon) {     if (addon.contentFor) {       return content.concat(addon.contentFor(type, config));     }      return content;   }, content);    return content.join('\n'); }; 
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Peter Brown Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10

Peter Brown

From Ember CLI guide:


The app/index.html file lays the foundation for your application. This is where the basic DOM structure is laid out, the title attribute is set and stylesheet/javascript includes are done. In addition to this, app/index.html includes multiple hooks - {{content-for 'head'}} and {{content-for 'body'}} - that can be used by Addons to inject content into your application’s head or body. These hooks need to be left in place for your application to function properly, but they can be safely ignored unless you are working directly with a particular addon.

I was actually looking for where Welcome to Ember.jsis coming from (which is obviously in app\templates\application.hbs), but first stumbled upon content-for helpers.

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mp31415 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
