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Recommended example applications written in Ember.js [closed]



Which recent, public, medium-sized Ember.js applications do you recommend for learning about usage patterns by reading its implementations?

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Carlos Paramio Avatar asked May 31 '12 08:05

Carlos Paramio

People also ask

What is Ember JS good for?

Ember. js is an open source, free JavaScript client-side framework used for developing web applications. It allows building client side JavaScript applications by providing a complete solution which contains data management and an application flow.

What provides the current state of an ember JS application?

In Ember, the state of an application is represented by a URL. Each URL has a corresponding route object that controls what is visible to the user. Models. Every route has an associated model, containing the data associated with the current state of the application.

Which company uses Ember JS?

Ember. js is used on several popular websites, including the likes of Apple Music, DigitalOcean, HashiCorp, LinkedIn, Discourse, Twitch, etc. The package ecosystem of Ember. js is one of the most comprehensive ones you will find for any framework.

Is Ember JS a frontend?

Ember. js is an opinionated frontend JavaScript framework that has been getting a lot of interest lately.

2 Answers

I'd recommend the Travis CI project - it uses Ember on the client side and Rail 3 on the server. While it doesn't use the latest Ember features it has very good foundations. You'll find the client-side code in a separate repo travis-web.

I also found reading through @ebryn's "New Twitter" helpful although it is older (Sproutcore 2) and smaller/simpler than Travis CI.

Update: Ember has gone through a number of big changes leading up to their 1.0 release so a lot of older example apps use deprecated APIs and are no longer representative of best practices. A new example to check out is Discourse (https://github.com/discourse/discourse) a large webapp built by Jeff Atwood and Robin Ward. Also, check out @trek's Ember Todos, a version of TodoMVC with a touch more process (https://github.com/trek/ember-todos-with-build-tools-tests-and-other-modern-conveniences)

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rharper Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 04:10


I recommend the ToDoMVC project, which offers the same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today. Now ToDO MVC ember.js example adapts ember.js 1.0.rc1. The website: http://todomvc.com/ The source: https://github.com/addyosmani/todomvc

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chylvina Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10
