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Eloquent Count nested relationships with nested eager loading

You must have seen the following feature (on facebook), a post with some comments, each comment has a like counter.


In laravel it would be something like

  • Post hasMany Comment
  • Comment belongsTo Post
  • CommentLike belongsTo User
  • CommentLike belongsTo Comment
  • Comment hasMany CommentLike

So, now I want to get 10 posts with their comments, with the like counter per comment.


This does not work at all.


This counts all comments for each post, I want to count all likes per comment on each post.

like image 816
darkylmnx Avatar asked Jun 17 '17 00:06


1 Answers

Try this

Post::with(['comments' => function($query){
like image 162
A.khalifa Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 22:10
