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SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE clm LIKE CONCAT('%',<other sql query LIMIT 1>,'%') - HOW?

How can I combine those two queries into one?

1) This finds the japanese sign for dog (犬):

SELECT japanese 
  FROM edict 
 WHERE english LIKE 'dog' 

2) This finds all japanese words with the sign for 'dog' (犬) in it:

SELECT japanese 
  FROM edict 
 WHERE japanese LIKE '%犬%';

3) I am having trouble combining those two into one, because this doesn't work?!

SELECT japanese 
FROM edict 
WHERE japanese
    SELECT japanese FROM edict WHERE english LIKE 'dog' LIMIT 1,'%'
like image 745
ajo Avatar asked Oct 23 '10 17:10


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1 Answers

Parenthesises are important, therefore, try this :

SELECT japanese
FROM edict
WHERE japanese LIKE CONCAT('%', 
                           (SELECT japanese FROM edict WHERE english LIKE 'dog' LIMIT 1), 

It might have been good to tell us what error you received, though.

like image 119
Vincent Savard Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Vincent Savard