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How to use 'and' with 'on' condition of joins in knex




I am trying to generate a query like:

select ifnull(t1.name, ‘default’) as name
from tab1 as t1
left join tab2 as t2 
 on t1.id=t2.id and t2.code=“someValue”

I wrote this in knex:

var query = knex().from(’tab1’).join(’tab2', function() {

    this.on('tab1.id', '=', 'tab2.id').andOn('tab2.code', '=', 'someValue')


knex.raw(‘IFNULL(tab1.name, "no name") as name')


This does not execute as it treats 'someValue' as a column. How can I apply 'and' condition in this case?

like image 892
kamlesh Avatar asked Mar 14 '16 14:03


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1 Answers

Not well documented but you can now use onVal, and any of its and / or variants.

So, instead of

.on('tab2.code', '=', knex.raw('?', ['someValue']))

You can simply write:

const query = knex()
  .join('tab2', function() {
     this.on('tab1.id', '=', 'tab2.id')
     this.andOnVal('tab2.code', '=', 'someValue')
}, 'left')
.column([knex.raw('IFNULL(tab1.name, "no name") as name')]);
like image 138
SimoAmi Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 05:11
