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Elegant way to vectorize seq?



Despite the similar title, this is not the same question as Vectorizing rep and seq in R.

My immediate goal: Given a vector, I want to generate a new vector containing the original values plus regularly-spaced intervals between each of the values in the old value. This is not difficult.

One strategy is to use a more general function which, given two vectors and a specified by interval, repeatedly applies seq to pairs of numbers from the two original vectors, using the same by value. I have not found a built-in function that does this. seq seems resistant to handling vectors as arguments. Here is a function that performs the more general operation (which I can then use for my immediate need):

multiseq <- function(froms, tos, by){
  x <- c(); 
  for (i in seq_along(froms)){
    x <- c(x, seq(from=froms[i], to=tos[i], by=by))

For example:

> multiseq(1:2, 1.75:2.75, .25)
[1] 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75

(This is just a simple example. What I really want is to do this with an arbitrary sequence, e.g.

-0.89115386 -0.75346155 -0.61576924 -0.47807693 -0.34038463 -0.20269232 -0.06500001  0.07269230  0.21038460  0.34807691  0.48576922  0.62346153  0.76115383

And I want to subdivide each of the intervals into five, to create a new sequence with 5 times as many elements.)

As long as the sequences are not too long, repeatedly extending a vector should not be too slow, I believe. If I need large sequences, I can rewrite to pre-extend the vector and fill it. However, it still bugs me to do this with a loop at all. Is there a more elegant, functional-programming, R-ly way?


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Mars Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 04:04


2 Answers

In R, one of the easiest way to vectorize a function is to use the Vectorize function.

Basically, you can vectorize the from an to argument and give all the starter as a vector in the from argument and do the same thing for the to argument.

Using your example, you can do something like this

seq2 <- Vectorize(seq.default, vectorize.args = c("from", "to"))

unlist(seq2(from = c(1, 1.75), to = c(2, 2.75), by = 0.25))

## [1] 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75
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dickoa Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


Try following

x <- c(1, 2, 4, 8)
y <- unlist(mapply(FUN = function(from, to) {
    seq(from = from, to = to, by = 0.25)
}, head(x, -1), tail(x, -1)))
##  [1] 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00
## [24] 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00

result <- y[!duplicated(y)]
##  [1] 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50
## [24] 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00
like image 40
CHP Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09