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Efficient way to shuffle lists within a list in Python

It seems like a question that should have already been asked before, but I couldn't find it. So here it goes.

The data:
- a master list ( length ~= 16,000,000 ) of sublists ( each has length upto 500 items ) of str

The aim:
- to shuffle each of the sublists within the master list efficiently.

I have attempted the straight for-loop, list comprehension, pandas Series.apply(), pandarallel, and dask dataframe .apply() and .map_partition() methods.

A for-loop takes about 15 minutes.
pd.series.apply(), dask.series.apply(), and dask.series.map_partition() all managed to do it just over 6 minutes.

My question is "can I achieve the shuffling faster"? Both producing a new copy or shuffling in place are acceptable.

Below is my attempt :

def normal_shuffle(series):
    output = series.tolist()
    length = len(output)
    for i in range(length):
    return output

def shuffle_returned(a_list):
    new_list = a_list
    return new_list

def shuffle_partition(a_partition):
    return a_partition.apply(shuffle_returned)

%time shuffled_for = normal_shuffle(test_series)
%time shuffled_apply = test_series.apply(shuffle_returned)

pandarallel.initialize(progress_bar=False, nb_workers=8)
%time shuffled_parallel_apply = test_series.parallel_apply(shuffle_returned)

test_ddf = ddf.from_pandas(test_series, npartitions=16)
test_ddf = test_ddf.reset_index(drop=True)

shuffled_ddf = test_ddf.apply(shuffle_returned, meta="some_str")
%time shuffled_ddf.persist()

shuffled_by_parttion_ddf = test_ddf.map_partitions(shuffle_partition, meta="productId")
%time shuffled_by_parttion_ddf.persist()

Now I try to use dask distributed to see, if I can somehow stagger the model training and data shuffling so that the training time and shuffling time overlaps and achieve a better overall time efficiency.

I would very much appreciate any feedback or suggestion on how I can make it shuffling operation more efficient.


Having tried some of the suggestions, the following turned out to be fastest I could achieve, which is also surprisingly simple!

%time [np.random.shuffle(x) for x in alist]

CPU times: user 23.7 s, sys: 160 ms, total: 23.9 s
Wall time: 23.9 s

Single thread numpy is the way to go here, it seems!

like image 666
TerryH Avatar asked Feb 29 '20 01:02


1 Answers

@TerryH - you need not .shuffle() the RAM-memory-content of aListOfSTRINGs at all, it ought be just enough to generate a np.random.permutation( len( aListOfListsOfSTRINGs[ ith ] ) ) so as to create ad-hoc, at a cost of but O(1) ~ 260 [us] per list, spent ALAP, a new random order, right-sized for an indirect access to the str-members of the ith-aListOfSTRINGs
( why moving RAM-I/O expensive data so as to "read"-in-order somewhere later, when no data need ever be touched, until ALAP "reading" from cache-served block(s) using an indirect-addressing of the components? )

For the Real-World costs of a wish to go parallel, you may like this post, with an interactive graph-tool.

As @user2357112 supports Monica commented below,
shuffling was aimed to take place rather inside aListOfSTRINGs, not on aListOfListsOfSTRINGs, Mea Culpa

Q : "can I achieve the shuffling faster"?

Yes. A lot. ...150 x times - well under 2.5 [s] are achievable with the right-enough tools

Q : "... how I can make it shuffling operation more efficient ?"

The in-place .shuffle() takes less than ~ 23 [s] on list( L ) over 16,000,000 items in plain Py2.7 tools

from zmq import Stopwatch; aClk = Stopwatch() #_______________________ a [us] Stopwatch
pass;    import random

#_____________L creation ~ 2.7 [s]___________________________________________
aClk.start(); L = [ strID for strID in xrange( int( 16E6 ) ) ]; aClk.stop()

print L[:5] #___________________________________________________________proof
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

#_____________random.shuffle( L )______________________________________+proof
aClk.start(); random.shuffle( L ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", L[:5]
0:5     [13868243, 13087869, 13207292, 9344202, 1853783]

#_____________random.shuffle( L )______________________________________+proof
aClk.start(); random.shuffle( L ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", L[:5]
0:5     [837396, 15032889, 10942767, 14571341, 4867854]

>>> len( L )

The in-place .shuffle() takes under ~ 48 [s] on list( L ) over 16,000,000 items in plain Py3.5 tools.

$ conda activate py3
$ python
aClk.start(); L = [ strID for strID in  range( int( 16E6 ) ) ]; aClk.stop()

#_____________random.shuffle( L )______________________________________+proof
aClk.start(); random.shuffle( L ); aClk.stop(); print( "0:5\t", L[:5] )
0:5     [15744525, 10635923, 14530509, 10535840, 1465987]

#_____________random.shuffle( L )______________________________________+proof
aClk.start(); random.shuffle( L ); aClk.stop(); print( "0:5\t", L[:5] )
0:5     [884437, 15420153, 9957947, 8118734, 11960914]

Let's go get The Real Performance boosted :

import numpy as np

#____________L_as_a32______________16E6________________________~ 74 [ms]
>>> aClk.start(); a32 = np.arange( 16E6, dtype = np.int32 ); aClk.stop()

#_____________np.random.shuffle( a32-bit )______________________________+proof
aClk.start(); np.random.shuffle( a32 ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", a32[:5]
0:5     [ 2487493 14646705 13717283  5602561  7934593]

aClk.start(); np.random.shuffle( a32 ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", a32[:5]
0:5     [ 4841042 12882529 12298351  2198866  7054284]

aClk.start(); np.random.shuffle( a32 ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", a32[:5]
0:5     [14595649  7239135  3339593  9517600  6506681]

#_____________np.random.shuffle( a64-bit )______________________________+proof
aClk.start(); np.random.shuffle( a64 ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", a64[:5]
0:5     [ 3234133  9224551   971604 13027484   806393]

aClk.start(); np.random.shuffle( a64 ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", a64[:5]
0:5     [ 3212124 10644428  8192909  2234984 13103406]

aClk.start(); np.random.shuffle( a64 ); aClk.stop(); print "0:5\t", a64[:5]
0:5     [ 5624301  7741070  8859092 12287465 11721315]

If indeed going to get The Ultimate Performance :

  • maintain all str data as-is, stored in just aListOfSTRINGs
  • each new aListOfSTRINGs append at a constant cost of O(1) to a non-re-shuffled, linearly growing, constant-order storage - aListOfListsOfSTRINGs
  • instead of paying awfully high memory-I/O costs of shuffling that storage making aListOfListsOfSTRINGs, rather maintain a aListOfORDINALs ( be it a plain-list or a numpy-array, where just appending a len( aListOfListsOfSTRINGs ), whenever a new member-aListOfSTRINGs got in )
  • enjoy very fast and very efficient in-place aListOfORDINALs.shuffle(), well under 23 [s] in Py2.7 or < 50 [s] in Py3.5
  • access all str-s as
    aListOfListsOfSTRINGs[aListOfORDINALs[Nth_L_inLoLoStr]][Nth_str_inLoStr] at superfast times at costs of O(1) to get the actual str-s
like image 152
user3666197 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10
