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Running Apache Beam python pipelines in Kubernetes

This question might seem like a duplicate of this.

I am trying to run Apache Beam python pipeline using flink on an offline instance of Kubernetes. However, since I have user code with external dependencies, I am using the Python SDK harness as an External Service - which is causing errors (described below).

The kubernetes manifest I use to launch the beam python SDK:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: beam-sdk
  replicas: 1
      app: beam
      component: python-beam-sdk
        app: beam
        component: python-beam-sdk
      hostNetwork: True
      - name: python-beam-sdk
        image: apachebeam/python3.7_sdk:latest
        imagePullPolicy: "Never"
        command: ["/opt/apache/beam/boot", "--worker_pool"]
        - containerPort: 50000
          name: yay

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: beam-python-service
  type: NodePort
  - name: yay
    port: 50000
    targetPort: 50000
    app: beam
    component: python-beam-sdk

When I launch my pipeline with the following options:

beam_options = PipelineOptions([

I get the following error message (within the python sdk service):

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
beam-sdk-666779599c-w65g5            1/1     Running   1          4d20h
flink-jobmanager-74d444cccf-m4g8k    1/1     Running   1          4d20h
flink-taskmanager-5487cc9bc9-fsbts   1/1     Running   2          4d20h
flink-taskmanager-5487cc9bc9-zmnv7   1/1     Running   2          4d20h
(base) [~]$ sudo kubectl logs -f beam-sdk-666779599c-w65g5                                                                                                                   
2020/02/26 07:56:44 Starting worker pool 1: python -m apache_beam.runners.worker.worker_pool_main --service_port=50000 --container_executable=/opt/apache/beam/boot
Starting worker with command ['/opt/apache/beam/boot', '--id=1-1', '--logging_endpoint=localhost:39283', '--artifact_endpoint=localhost:41533', '--provision_endpoint=localhost:42233', '--control_endpoint=localhost:44977']
2020/02/26 09:09:07 Initializing python harness: /opt/apache/beam/boot --id=1-1 --logging_endpoint=localhost:39283 --artifact_endpoint=localhost:41533 --provision_endpoint=localhost:42233 --control_endpoint=localhost:44977
2020/02/26 09:11:07 Failed to obtain provisioning information: failed to dial server at localhost:42233
    caused by:
context deadline exceeded

I have no idea what the logging- or artifact endpoint (etc.) is. And by inspecting the source code it seems like that the endpoints has been hard-coded to be located at localhost.

like image 700
user488446 Avatar asked Feb 26 '20 09:02


1 Answers

(You said in a comment that the answer to the referenced post is valid, so I'll just address the specific error you ran into in case someone else hits it.)

Your understanding is correct; the logging, artifact, etc. endpoints are essentially hardcoded to use localhost. These endpoints are meant to be only used internally by Beam and are not configurable. So the Beam worker is implicitly assumed to be on the same host as the Flink task manager. Typically, this is accomplished by making the Beam worker pool a sidecar of the Flink task manager pod, rather than a separate service.

like image 147
ibzib Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 12:11
