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Eclipse - update / installing new software is incredibly slow

This problem has already been discribed before. But none of the suggested solutions work for me.

This is the problem:

I've got the latest version of Eclipse Luna (4.4.1) installed. If I want to do an update or install new software, it takes a very long time to complete (many HOURS). This is still the case if I download the desired software into a local archive/update site and install from there. But when I disable all network adapters and then install from such a "local" update site, the installation takes only a few seconds.

This "trick" to disable network adaptes can already be found as a proposed solution for the same question from 2010 here: Eclipse online access extremely slow--cannot complete updates or install new software. The accepted answer for this question does not help. I already disabled the "Contact all update sites" option and also added "-Declipse.p2.mirrors=false" to my eclipse.ini.

The disable-network-adapters-trick is no acceptable solution. Because I may not comment (reputation) I have to re-open the question.

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TheFish Avatar asked Dec 10 '14 15:12


1 Answers

I have been facing the same issue. One thing worked for me by disabling the Available software sites in Preferences.

  1. Go to WindowsPreferences
  2. Type in search available software sites
  3. Try unchecking the several sites which you do not want to look for updates.
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Mohammad Faisal Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Mohammad Faisal