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Eclipse (Luna) Slowness



I've recently "upgraded" from Indigo to Luna (Oracle OEPE installation). Note the quotations around the term upgraded.

Unfortunately, the thing is SLOW.

The project I work with is a maven multi-module project. A building workspace operation takes about 3-4 minutes, and Updating Navigator Content Viewer (whatever that is) can take even longer.

Plugins of note: - Subclipse - M2E - JRebel

Any ideas on improving performance before the thing makes me psychotic?

like image 649
Jason Avatar asked Sep 19 '14 13:09


People also ask

Why is Eclipse running so slow?

Because Eclipse uses tons of java files, an anti-virus attempts to individually unpack and scan every one of them. So for Windows platform: turn off the on-demand scanning of packed files, otherwise Eclipse will be unusably slow.

1 Answers

I have just un-ticked everything under [Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Java EE Integration] and so far no "Updating Navigator Content Viewer" here!

like image 169
Jaroslav Záruba Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10

Jaroslav Záruba