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Eclipse - Downloading content.jar.. times out while installing plugins

I am using Eclipse Indigo (3.7) and facing issues while installing plugins onto it. Following are the steps I followed:

1. Add the download site
2. Select the plugin to be installed
3. Clicked on Next - Eclipse shows 'Calculating requirements and dependencies'
4. It shows Fetching content.jar from http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo/201106220900/content.jar
5. After running for some 5 mins it shows 'Read timed out'. Error reading from http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo/201106220900/content.jar

Note that I have a good internet connectivity. And I am able to download the file manually from browser but eclipse is facing issues in downloading from internet. Does anyone know how to avoid this problem?

Platform: Windows7 x64; Eclipse Indigo SR1

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peakit Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 13:12


1 Answers

After googling for couple of hours(!), I did the following:

  1. Plugin installation will be faster if we disable the Contact all update sites during install to find the required software checkbox. This was causing eclipse to contact all update sites to find the plugin.
  2. Disabled AVG 2012 for sometime. Seems like this was causing problems to eclipse while downloading content from internet http://forums.avg.com/us-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=175473

Hope this helps.

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peakit Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09
