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What does "red cross" on project icon mean in Eclipse?




After some code modifications, I suddenly noticed the project icon has a small red cross icon. However, no other file/package/folder is showing this icon. I am not sure where the error is and how to solve it.

like image 207
Ahsan Avatar asked Oct 25 '10 07:10


People also ask

Why does eclipse show Red Cross?

In Eclipse IDE, If a project contains errors, a small “red-x” icon will be displayed in the files that are causing the error. This useful feature is supported in Java related perspectives only, for example, “Package Explorer”.

How do I get rid of the red exclamation mark in eclipse?

use this simple steps right click on the project->properties ->java Build path-> click on the jre system library and remove it after that step click on Add library and add a new jre system library that will resolve it!

How do I resolve an error in eclipse?

You have open eclipse. ini file and change -vm path to correct JDK location. In my case it's /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.

1 Answers

Usually it means that there's a path error, eg. one jar referenced in the project cannot be found.

Use the 'problems' view to get more details

like image 82
Guillaume Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10
