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Ease of use: Stanford CoreNLP vs. OpenNLP [closed]

I looking to use a suite of NLP tools for a personal project, and I was wondering whether Stanford's CoreNLP is easier to use or OpenNLP. Or is there another free package you would reccomend? I haven't really done any NLP before, so I am looking for something that I can quickly use to learn the concepts and prototype my ideas. Any help is appreciated.

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Pratik Thaker Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 21:07

Pratik Thaker

People also ask

Is Stanford Corenlp open source?

These software distributions are open source, licensed under the GNU General Public License (v3 or later for Stanford CoreNLP; v2 or later for the other releases).

1 Answers

My opinion on which is easier to use is biased, but regarding Ivan Akcheurov's answer, we only released Stanford CoreNLP in Oct 2010, so it isn't very old. Regarding his suggestions, it seems to depend on whether you want to be using a higher-level processing framework or actual processing tools. E.g., if you poke around Knime, it appears that the only NLP components included are actually OpenNLP ones, and most of the machine learning is wrapping Weka.... For groups of individual tools that work together, Stanford NLP, OpenNLP, NLTK, and Lingpipe are perhaps the main choices.

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Christopher Manning Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09

Christopher Manning